Montpellier: the start-up Pradeo signs a global partnership with Samsung – Midi Libre

INFO MIDI LIBRE – Specializing in the security of mobile phones, the Montpellier start-up was chosen by the South Korean giant to protect its terminals sold to businesses.

The Montpellier start-up Pradeo , specializing in the security of smartphones and mobile devices, has just won a new global victory. A leader in its field, the company headed by Clément Saad signs a global and exclusive partnership with Samsung, in order to secure the mobile phone fleet of the companies that are customers of the South Korean giant. In fact, the Pradeo Security application aims to protect professional terminals marketed by Samsung. “The objective of this tool is to protect these smartphones from computer hacking attempts, as was recently the case in the Pegasus affair ” confides Clément Saad.

Global protection for smartphones

In concrete terms, this tool will protect against harmful intrusion attempts during audio communications, Internet browsing, or by SMS or instant messaging (Whatsapp, Messenger, Signal, Telegram, etc.). This application will also protect against intrusion attempts during connections to a public wifi network, or excessive data recovery (address books, geolocation, etc.) by mobile applications. Pradeo announces on this point a feature exclusive to this tool: the blocking in a third-party application of the permission to access a telephone functionality (for example, the geographical location), without blocking the entire application for the user. , as is the case in the other solutions.

Only for companies for the moment

The tool developed by Pradéo is part of the software overlay added by Samsung to the brand’s corporate smartphones. Notable fact: the marketing will be done under the Pradeo brand and not Samsung, as is often the case. For the time being available only for phones in corporate fleets, the sale of licenses for this application will be done at a variable rate depending on the size of the fleet of smartphones for which the company is requesting protection.

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