Cabello: We see the people with high morale for battle and victory

This Thursday, the first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, highlighted that in Bolívar the Chavistas are in the streets organized for the electoral battle of November 21.

During the swearing-in ceremony of the Aristóbulo Istúriz Campaign Command, in Bolívar for the regional and municipal elections scheduled for November 21, he stated that the Chavista people must remain in unity to consolidate the Bolivarian Revolution, refers to a press release.

Next, he said “Here you feel an environment conducive to a great victory and here are the PSUV, but there are also the parties of the Great Patriotic Simón Pole Bolívar (GPPSB); the PPT, Podemos, Tupamaros, Alianza para el Cambio, Somos Venezuela, UPV, MEP as part of that Campaign command. ”

Also, the also head of the Campaign Command Aristóbulo Istúriz asserted that the Bolívar state “has been the state that has gathered the most people, the most joy, the most mobilization. In Bolívar, Bolívar is reborn ”..

He emphasized that“ we are barely warming up engines. We see the people with an enthusiasm with a fervor, with a readiness for combat with a high morale for the battle and for the victory of 21N ”..

Candidate Ángel Marcano

Cabello, expressed that Ángel Marcano can go through any street in Bolívar state and say that he is a “ authentic worker. ”

“ This brother who is here a worker like all of us, a worker who lives on the street and who has been on the street working, in the factory, who knows his town , who is like any of us, has and assumes a great responsibility; Ángel Marcano is today the candidate of the Bolivarian Revolution and on November 21 he will be the governor of Bolívar state ”, he concluded.

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