Kilauea volcano in Hawaii also erupts

Photo taken from USGS

The Kilauea volcano, located on the Big Island of Hawaii, erupted last Wednesday, prompting the authorities to issue a warning alert and a red code for aviation.

The Geological Survey of United States (USGS) announced that beginning to an eruption in the Halemaumau crater, on top of Kilauea. In that place you can see the existence of lava flows and clouds of volcanic gases, according to images taken by a webcam.

“All signals they indicate that it will remain inside the crater, “said Ken Hon, the USGS scientist in charge of the Hawaii Volcanoes Observatory.

“We don’t see any indication that the lava is moving towards the bottom of the eastern part of the rift, where people live. Currently, all the activity is carried out within the park ”, he added.

The eruption occurs within a closed area of ​​the Volcanoes National Park Hawaii, so the highest risk is linked to high levels of volcanic gases, according to local media.

So far no home is at risk.

Hawaii Red Alert

Timelapse of the new summit eruption on Kīlauea volcano.

NPS Video / J.Wei

– Hawaii Volcanoes NPS (@ Volcanoes_NPS) September 30, 2021

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