The Bitcoin cycle is far from over and miners are in it for the long haul, reports Fidelity

In a packed report on digital assets, asset manager Fidelity theorizes that miner movements indicate that the Bitcoin cycle has much more wiggle room.

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El ciclo de Bitcoin está lejos de acabar y los mineros están en él a largo plazo, según Informa Fidelity

Fidelity Digital Assets (the cryptocurrency arm of Fidelity Investments, which has USD 4.2 trillion in assets under management) shared his “two sats” on the future of the digital asset space. The main conclusions refer to the behavior of the miners and the adoption of the Bitcoin network (BTC).

In the report annual published last week, the group shared some thoughts about the world of BTC mining:

“As Bitcoin miners have the highest financial incentive to make the best guess as to the adoption and value of BTC (…) the current Bitcoin cycle is far from over and these miners are making long-term investments.”

The report states that the recovery of the hash rate in 2021 “was really amazing”, especially in the face of the

Statements are in line with recent miner sales performance. Key on-chain metrics indicate that Bitcoin miners are in mass “accumulation” mode ” of BTC, since they show no desire to sell.

As for the orange coin hoarding by entire countries, Fidelity made some interesting predictions about more nation-states adopting BTC as legal tender:

“There is a high-stakes game theory at play here, whereby if Bitcoin adoption increases, countries that secure some Bitcoin today will be in a better competitive position than their peers. So we wouldn’t be surprised to see other sovereign nation-states buy Bitcoin in 2022 and perhaps even see a central bank make a purchase.”

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