YOXO comes with a special gift for its customers: 15% discount on the 1-year eMAG Genius subscription

Through BF.ro we find out today details about a super promotion set up by Orange and eMAG. As you can see from the title, this is a 15% discount for the 1-year eMAG Genius subscription – a discount offered as a voucher to both customers existing YOXO as well as new ones activating a YOXO subscription until February 11, 2022 .

If you are already a YOXO subscriber then all you have to do is enter the mobile application and access the Genius banner from the homescreen, where you will discover the voucher that brings you a 15% discount for eMAG Genius for 1 year. A 12-month Genius subscription costs 99 lei , which means that using the voucher from the YOXO application will reduce the final price to only 84.15 lei .

As benefits you have here the free transport to easybox regardless of the value of the order, free transport by courier for orders delivered by eMAG, worth over 100 lei. We also have on the list the return in 60 days, next day delivery and extra benefits in the form of dedicated discounts.

As for Orange YOXO , this subscription can be closed at any time, has no contractual period and in the basic version costs only 19 lei per month – offering 50 GB net, minutes and unlimited national SMS. The 29 lei subscription brings 100 GB net traffic, and the 39 lei subscription offers 150 GB net, of which 5.35 GB in SEE roaming.

You can use the code of 15% discount for eMAG Genius here !

⚡ -3% of the price on QuickMobile.ro if you use the coupon: QUICK202

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