The girl who was hit by a bus in Sofia died

The girl was accommodated in “Pirogov”, where doctors fought for her life

January 24, 2022, 21:09 , updated at 22:36

P died 17-year-old Alexandra Ninova, who was hit by a bus on Friday night in the capital “Lyulin” district, reported NOVA .

This was announced on Facebook Adelina Banakieva, who was the first to spread the request of Alexandra’s parents to donate blood for their daughter.

The girl was placed in “Pirogov”, where doctors fought for her life

(After the call of “Pirogov”: Tail of blood donors

Yesterday there was a wave of sympathy for the victim Alexandra. Hundreds responded to the call of the hospital and relatives to donate blood for it. The appeal for help started on social networks on Saturday.

(Public transport bus) hit a girl in Sofia

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