Verschaeren, El-Hadj, Raskin and Siquet with the Hopes

Florian Holsbeek

Verschaeren, El-Hadj, Raskin et Siquet avec les Espoirs

Photo: © photonews

The Mathijssen players will play two matches during this international break.

The U21 will play two games in Leuven in the coming days. There will be Kazakhstan on October 8 and Denmark on October 12. Both matches will be played in Leuven.

Before Roberto Martinez, Mathijssen also unveiled his list, unsurprisingly. We find Verschaeren, Siquet, El-Hadj, Raskin, Openda and Balikwisha. Here is the complete list:

Guess who’s back. Back again, Leuven! # U21EURO 2023. 👊🇧🇪

– Royal Belgian FA (@RoyalBelgianFA) October 1, 2021


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