Anna Maria Damm got a tattoo for her dead father

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Anna Maria Damm ließ sich ein Tattoo für toten Vater stechen Instagram / annamariadamm

1. Oct. 2021, 10:42 – Hannah-Marie B.

Anna Maria Damm (25) now has a memory of her father under her skin. In August the former Germany’s next top model – candidate and her sister Katharina Damm announced that her papa Fight Against Cancer has lost. Dealing with it was anything but easy for her. Anna stressed that she was grateful for every memory with him. Now let her get a tattoo in memory of your father.

In your Instagram

– Story, the 25-year-old shared several impressions from her appointment at the tattoo artist , to whom she, among other things, her sister Katharina . A few hours later, she showed her fans the final result. The YouTuber has the signature of her late father and the words “Music is my first love and will also be my last” immortalized under her skin. “The quote he wrote to us last year and comes from a song “, explained Anna Maria in addition. Her father had a great passion for music.

Also Katharina got a tattoo to remember her father. She chose a human upper body as a motif, with thistles growing out of its head. “The thistles stand for our father. He was so happy back then that something was blooming on his balcony. For many it was weeds, but he found them really fascinating and beautiful “, she explained the meaning.

Katharina und Anna Maria Damm mit ihrem Papa

Instagram / annamariadamm

Katharina and Anna Maria Damm with their papa

Anna Maria Damm im September 2021

Instagram / annamariadamm

Anna Maria Damm in September 2021

Anna Maria Damm mit ihrem Vater

Instagram / annamariadamm

Anna Maria Damm with her father Anna Maria Damm im September 2021

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