Joe Exotic Re-Sentenced To 21 Years In Prison For Murder-For-Hire Charge Involving Carole Baskin

It looks like Joe Exotic still has some time before he’ll be able to be released from prison. On Friday, a federal judge resentenced Joe after a federal appeals court ruled that his sentence should be shortened.

According to AP News, Joe was resentenced to 21 years in prison, which is only reducing his previous sentence by a year. He is currently serving time on a murder-for-hire charge, which involved his “Tiger King,” rival Carole Baskin. Joe, who is set to begin treatment after being diagnosed with cancer, said to the judge on Friday, “Please don’t make me die in prison waiting for a chance to be free.”

Carole and her current husband were also present in court as she expressed her fear of being threatened by Joe. She said, “He continues to harbor intense feelings of ill will toward me.”

In January 2020, Joe was sentenced to 22 years behind bars after he was convicted of reportedly trying to hire someone to kill Carole Baskin. Last year, a federal appeals court ruled that his sentence should be shortened.

Prosecutors claim that Joe, whose real name is, Joseph Maldonado-Passage, tried to hire an undercover FBI agent to kill Carole and offered him $10,000. In a recorded meeting from December 2017, he was reportedly heard saying, “Just like follow her into a mall parking lot and just cap her and drive off.”

However, Joe’s legal team says that he was not being serious.

As we previously reported, last year Joe was reportedly looking for President Biden to grant him a pardon after Donald Trump didn’t do so before his exit from office.

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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94

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