With witchcraft they obtained information from the victims to extort

Three people were arrested, accused of extorting several citizens in Huila through intimidation; presumably the information on the victims was obtained through acts of witchcraft by one of the captured women.

The detainees, accused of extorting and intimidating several relatives in Huila, were identified as Cipriana Padilla Navarro, captured in Espinal, Tolima and Diego Norberto Mora Torres and Damaris Torres Mejía, for whom the judicial order was made effective in Mocoa Putumayo.

The three captured would be involved in the events recorded in June 2021, when armed individuals broke into a house in the municipality of Agrado, Huila and after tying the hands and feet of family members, they stole, among other belongings, eight million pesos, two firearms fire and jewelry.

After fleeing on a motorcycle, they would have made new threats to their victims, indicating that they would return to continue with the extortive collections.

Eight days later part of the band came back and with panfl etos in which they identified themselves as members of the residual Organized Armed Group, Border Command, demanded from their victims the sum of 20 million pesos, during the illegal act they were captured in flagrante delicto and today remain deprived of liberty.

However, the intimidation did not stop and in exchange for respecting their lives, the rest of the gang demanded a total of 10 million pesos.

The complaint

The value of the citizen allowed the complaint and the collection of material evidence that concluded with the capture of

the other three members of the band, who were sent to a prison as a preventive detention measure after being charged with the crimes of simple kidnapping, manufacture, trafficking, carrying or possession of firearms, accessories, parts or ammunition, extortion with circumstances of punitive aggravation consummated and attempted and qualified theft with circumstances of punitive aggravation.

Modus operandi

The criminal group apparently carried out extortion and selective kidnappings in the departments of Huila, Caquetá and Tolima, obtaining information and deceiving their victims through witchcraft activities such as reading tobacco and supposed spells.

Through the witchcraft sections apparently led by ‘Silvana’ or the ‘Medica’, criminals were able to obtain valuable information such as properties, assets and economic activities of their potential victims.

The information was later used by the rest of the gang to materialize the intimidations and carry out the acts of kidnapping and extortion by identifying themselves as members of the gang. called dissidences.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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