Raila accuses Ruto and Gachagua of instructing police to target him during Azimio protests

Raila counted at least ten spots where the bullets landed on his car and maintained that all were directed at him

Police spraying water on Raila Odinga's motorcade

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has recounted how he took cover on Thursday, March 30 as police reportedly sprayed his car withy bullets in what he called an assassination attempt.

Odinga counted at least ten spots where he claims the bullets landed on his car, adding that all the spots indicating that the shot were aimed at where he was seated in the back left of his car.

In an interview with Voice of America, the ODM party leader recounted that as bullets pounded his car, aimed at his direction, he bended low and took cover behind the seats.

“I had to take cover, and went on the seats to keep myself away from the bullets that were hitting the car.

“We initially thought that they were firing in the air, but later discovered that they were aiming directly at me.” Raila recounted.

The Azimio leader noted that the police were acting on instructions from the very top and had every intention of assassinating him.

“I don’t think any police officer could aim to shoot and assassinate politicians without being commanded from the very top,” he added.

He maintained that he will not relent on the protests that have been running every Monday and Thursday.

Odinga has promised what he referred to as the mother of all demos on Monday when he takes to the streets with his followers even as Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua maintains that it will be the final protest.

The protests have been characterized by violence as police move in to disperse the protestors with property of unknown value lost to thugs who take advantage of the situation to loot.

In a strongly-worded speech delivered in Kakamega, Gachagua cautioned that the government will flex its muscle with state machinery coming in to bring it all to an end in a bid to protect life and property.

DP Rigathi Gachagua who was in Kakamega on Saturday, April 01, 2023

“Monday is your last day!… The gov’t will assert its authority in protecting life & property and upholding the rule of law. It’s not going to be business as usual” Gachagua warned.

The protests have been characterized by violence as police move in to disperse the protestors with property of unknown value lost to thugs who take advantage of the situation to loot.


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