Anne-Sophie Lapix left Xavier Bertrand speechless with this HuffPost remark

POLITICAL – And an icy wind swept through the 20 Hours of France 2 plateau. This Thursday, September 30, Xavier Bertrand was invited on the public service channel, in order to say more about his intentions vis-à-vis the choice made by The Republicans to appoint via an internal Congress the one who will wear the colors of the right in 2022.

The opportunity for the president of Hauts-de-France to recall that he would prefer to do without a tie-breaker via a vote of the members of a party of which he is no longer a member, and to hammer home his desires for a rally. Gathering of other candidates behind his candidacy, obviously.

To achieve this, the former minister came up with a blunt argument: he is, for the moment, the best placed in the polls among right-wing candidates. A storytelling which made the presenter of the newspaper, Anne-Sophie Lapix tick.

“You seriously think that if I was not in the best position today … you Do you think I will be in front of you this evening to explain my project to you? ”asked Xavier Bertrand. The journalist’s reply: “for the moment you are not in the second round in the polls”.

A remark that literally silenced Xavier Bertrand, who only reacted after several seconds of silence. It must be said that Anne Sophie Lapix supported where it hurts. Because if, indeed, the president of Hauts-de-France is given a winner in certain studies , it is only when he is tested in a hypothesis second round. However, for the time being, the one who systematically arrives in the second round against Emmanuel Macron in the polls is called Marine Le Pen. A harsh reality that was reminded to the candidate this Thursday.

Also on HuffPost: Barely re-elected , Bertrand spoke more “to France” than to “Hauts-de-France”

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