A.C.E’s Jun Announces Military Enlistment

A.C.E’s Jun will be enlisting for his mandatory military service.

On January 27, A.C.E’s agency BEAT Interactive confirmed that Jun was enlisting in the military next month.

Their statement reads:

Hello, this is BEAT Interactive.

This is an announcement regarding A.C.E member Jun’s mandatory military service.

Jun has received his draft notice to enlist as an active duty soldier on Monday, February 7. He will be enlisting for one year and six months.

His enlistment location and time will be private and he is planning to enlist quietly without fans in attendance. This decision was made for everyone’s health and safety, so we ask for your cooperation.

Jun will finish his service well and return healthy, so we ask for the fans’ warm love and support until then.

Thank you.

Jun is the third member of A.C.E to enlist in the military after Wow and Donghun did in September 2021.

Source (1)

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