A final farewell from cultural historian Samu Benkő is held in Cluj-Napoca

A final farewell will be held on Saturday from the Széchenyi Prize-winning cultural historian Samu Benkő, who died in the 94th year of his life, at the Házsongárd cemetery in Cluj-Napoca, the Hungarian Academy of Arts told MTI on Monday.

Samu Benkő (Photo: mma.hu)

Samu Benkő, cultural historian, essayist, full member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts, external member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, prominent figure in Bolyai research, former president of the Transylvanian Museum Association, died on December 21.

Samut Benkő will be laid to rest in the Házsongárd cemetery in Cluj-Napoca according to the ceremony of the Reformed Church. The deceased is considered dead by the Hungarian Academy of Arts

Samu Benkő is a retired principal investigator at the Romanian Academy of History in Cluj-Napoca and then president of the Transylvanian Museum Association. He was recognized with the Széchenyi Prize for his work as an example of the lessons of Hungarian cultural history in 1997.

Samu Benkő He was a researcher of the 19th century and played an important role in the processing of the manuscript legacy of János Bolyai. Several of his studies are related to Zsigmond Kemény, and he published his diary, which was discovered by József Árvay in the archives of Sepsiszentgyörgy

was one of the editors of the series Revolutia de la 1848-1849 din Transilvania, and in 2008 he published documents omitted from the above source for political reasons, entitled Documenta neglecta. He organized the diary of Albert Szenczi Molnár, II. The testimonies of Ferenc Rákóczi and János Bolyai. He was one of the editors of the Téka series of the Kriterion Könyvkiadó. He was also an honorary doctor of the Kossuth Lajos University and the Károli Gáspár Reformed University. He was a member of the editorial board of the journal Reality and the Judging Committee of the Hungarian Heritage Award, and has been a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts since 2011.

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