A Long Game

“Every season since the Gold Rush, California has blossomed with new money — first in gold, then in land, cattle, railroads, agriculture, film images, shipbuilding, aerospace, electronics, television and commercial religions. The ease with which the happy few become suddenly rich lends credence to the belief in magical transformation.” — Lewis Lapham, 1979, “Lost Horizon”

“When do you think people in the Bay Area started to realize that you could make more money from tech than from real estate?” Jed Kolko asked me.

We were sitting at Ma-velous, a coffee shop frequented by San Francisco’s political movers two blocks from City Hall and kitty corner from Twitter’s headquarters in the Shorenstein-owned former San Francisco Furniture Mart.

Just outside the window was Market Street, San Francisco’s main thoroughfare. In 1847, two years before the Gold Rush transformed the city into a teeming boomtown, a 30-year-old Irish immigrant named Jasper O’Farrell presciently surveyed the street to be 120 feet wide  — which is broader than the Philadelphia main street it was named after  — even though the city was only 500 residents strong at the time.

“1980s,” I said in response to his question. Seemed obvious. The PC revolution. Steve Jobs and Apple. And a decade after the Peninsula was christened “Silicon Valley” by an electronics trade newsletter and the “Fairchildren,” or alumni of Fairchild Semiconductor, went on to found Intel, National Semiconductor and AMD.

2005 was his guess. The year after Google IPO-ed, and when escalating home prices made real estate an ever-riskier bet. That was the year that he felt that more people started coming to San Francisco for professional ambition rather than lifestyle reasons such as being openly gay or for pursuing callings that didn’t need to be so well-compensated.

Like a handful of other people at the intersection of real estate and technology, Kolko would be in a position to make an educated stab. He led some research at the well-regarded nonprofit, non-partisan think tank Public Policy Institute of California for five years, and then was the head economist at real estate startup Trulia.

It was a provocative rhetorical question. Land, labor, capital. Technological change. How do they intersect?

Cities, or physical communities, are one of the hardest kinds of scaling problems that exist.

In some ways, we’re lucky that the first two decades involving the advent of the commercial Internet were largely a positive-sum game. The creation of digital space for self-expression, at near-zero cost, does not necessarily challenge or erode someone else’s right to space or resources.

That makes it easy to forget that California is a state built throughout generations of conflict over land and its inherent constraints. It is this oldest of resources  — not capital or human talent or ingenuity  — that most constrains the region’s potential for workers at all income levels.

Cities, or physical communities, are one of the hardest kinds of scaling problems that exist. The infrastructure needed to sustain bigger networks, such as schools, sewers and mass transit, gets harder  — not easier —  to develop, finance and maintain the larger your population becomes.

There are countless constituencies of different incomes, racial groups, interests and professions that are all vying with each other for limited space. Although it’s possible to build up, urban development is much more of a zero-sum game.

With every major economic shift ,  from an agrarian to an industrial economy, and then an industrial to a knowledge-and-services economy , California and the United States have faced distinctive junctures in their approach to land-use and housing.

California’s fragmented, post-war suburban model, which was created for a more even wage distribution in a mass industrial economy, is clearly becoming more dysfunctional by the year.

I believe we’re hitting another major juncture, although I don’t know when it will deteriorate to the point that it forces real reform. California’s fragmented, post-war suburban model, which was created for a more even wage distribution in a mass industrial economy, is clearly becoming more dysfunctional by the year for a knowledge-and-services economy with a wider level of income stratification.

Not only are we not building enough housing overall, we have scarce sources of funding for supporting those on the lower-earning ends of a rapidly widening income spectrum. So we end up politicizing and extracting funds out of new construction even though we are 40 years deep into a largely self-imposed housing shortage.

There are a couple of disturbing trends showing up in the data. If you look across the state’s workforce, Californians born in 1990 are on average spending 50 percent of their income on housing. That’s way above the 30-percent-of-income level that is generally considered to be the threshold of whether housing is affordable or not in public policy conversations.


Then, if you look at working-class segments, commutes are rapidly rising for the lower-income workers in the region:

This is troubling because commute time is one of the strongest predictive factors in determining a child’s chances of climbing from the lowest income quintile to the highest-earning one. That morning and evening time between parents and children that is taken up by commuting is invaluable for bonding and child development.

Cities around the Bay Area are starting to contort themselves into stranger and stranger positions just to support basic public services.

Cities around the Bay Area are starting to contort themselves into stranger and stranger positions just to support basic public services. Suburbs like Cupertino, where Apple is headquartered, are now having to build teacher public housing projects for tens of millions of dollars because the cost of living is too high for an entry-level teacher making $55,000 a year.

Meanwhile, the city has approved another Apple campus that will bring 13,000 additional Apple employees to the city, while only committing to building 1,400 housing units over the next seven years.

I’m not sure when a breaking point happens, but I want to offer some essays and short pieces over the next few days to give you a couple of takeaways. The TL;DR is that I’m going to start working on new projects soon, but I want to leave a map behind of what I think has to be done long-term in Northern California.

Here are the additional pieces (and I’ll be posting more in the days to come):

An old problem

California has faced housing and land shortages multiple times and has changed its regulatory regimes in response. I’m going to start with two histories from the state’s first Gilded Age and post-war era.

In the first Gilded Age, the concern was over land monopolization by a handful of large-scale owners and how that crowded out and impoverished labor. In the postwar period, California leveraged the automobile and federal subsidies to unlock previously inaccessible land and create a golden age of cheap housing and suburbanization.

This boom period ended in the 1970s as the state’s flat, developable coastal lands were built out and the oil crisis made sprawl more expensive. That’s when housing shifted from being perceived as a consumable good to an investable asset.

Since then, a new generational land cartel has emerged with Californian Baby Boomers protecting entitlements and higher property values for themselves in the form of land-use restrictions and Proposition 13. Global capital has been subverting and taking advantage of these favorable legal and taxation protections on real estate in a extremely low interest-rate world. All of this has come at the cost of the state’s working and middle class and its future workforce.

It’s a global issue

It faces major cities in all economies that chose a housing-as-an-investable-asset model following World War II like the U.K. and Australia.

After the credit-fueled housing crises of the 2000s tested the upper bound of what the homeownership rate could be, many countries are grappling with lower homeownership rates for the foreseeable future. This raises questions about what the future balance of tenant and homeowner rights and subsidies should look like.

There are alternate approaches in industrialized countries like Germany and Japan that make housing more of a consumable good rather than an appreciable asset, but it’s hard to see how we could ever shift toward those models since there is so much national wealth tied up in housing.

California is mostly half-assing solutions

There is no “magical transformation” here (unless VR and telepresence renders location obsolete, which the Internet certainly didn’t do). Technology companies and political leaders completely underestimate the depth of reform that’s needed to actually solve housing affordability.

Right now, San Francisco and New York City are reliant on inclusionary zoning, which effectively taxes the production of new housing in order to finance subsidized, affordable housing. It’s a Band-Aid solution that lets everyone stay in a system structured to keep property values higher (e.g. making housing less affordable) while providing a teeny-tiny, token amount of low-income housing.

Dumping hundreds of millions of dollars of public or philanthropic capital down a badly designed property system will not get you very far.

For example, inclusionary housing has produced 1,787 below-market-rate units and $59 million in affordable housing fees in San Francisco since 1993. Meanwhile, the value of the city’s assessed property rose by $11 billion in the last year. We need to capture more of the land value increases that property owners are accruing through no particular special effort of their own, perhaps in the form of a deferred transfer tax at sale. Unfortunately, most jurisdictions in the state are designed to be majority homeowner, and the state’s Third Rail, Proposition 13, hasn’t been touched since the late 1970s. It’s hard to see a political constituency that could change this unless it gets really bad.

That said, California’s homeownership rate is the lowest it’s been since 1991 and has dropped a full 6 percentage points since the financial crisis to 54.2 percent. Maybe we just have to wait another 10 to 15 years until the composition of the electorate changes e nough for reform.

It has to do with the way we deal with land.

While the technology industry and its compensation practices have increased the region’s income inequality over the last generation, taxing businesses, wealth or investments alone for affordable housing funds won’t solve the housing issue.

Dumping hundreds of millions of dollars of public or philanthropic capital down a badly designed property system will not get you very far because it will drive land values even higher, producing an unearned windfall for property owners.

Even though developers tend to get pilloried in the public process, it is the land owners that get egged on by local brokers to sell at the absolute highest price.

For San Francisco to build affordable housing in the Mission District today, private land owners are demanding $250,000 per housing unit in just land costs from the San Francisco city government because they can. The Latino community fought and used the threat of a moratorium on new housing construction to wrestle $50 million out of the $310 million bond that voters approved last fall. It was the first affordable housing bond the city had passed in almost 20 years. But then the Mission community realized that $50 million gets you — drum roll — three plots of land!

Keep in mind that California also already has the most progressive income taxation system of any state in the U.S. because it also has some of the lowest property tax rates, especially on properties worth more than $1 million. The downside of being extremely reliant on income and capital gains taxes and having low property taxes is that the California state government’s revenue structure is highly volatile and predictably goes into steep deficits during recessions.

So while you could go down this route — and there are interesting conversations about progressive equity, tech executive compensation and carried-interest loopholes — you’d have to do it in addition to land-use and property taxation reform to have any real impact on housing affordability.

An economic downturn won’t bring lasting affordability

An economic downturn may soften pressure on local housing markets, but it will not fix this problem. The Bay Area’s housing market tends to rise and then plateau; this is a function of how local land markets work.

Even though developers tend to get pilloried in the public process, it is the land owners that get egged on by local brokers to sell at the absolute highest price. Because there is no structural disincentive to sitting on underutilized land because of property tax caps, land owners can just sit a weak cycle out, withhold their land from the market and wait for the next upswing.

While there are quasi-public institutions that sustain mortgage and home-buying demand through weak parts of the economic cycle, there isn’t really an equivalent on the construction financing side. When markets turned in 2008, project financing evaporated, which left the city without a decent construction pipeline until it was too late in the up-cycle. The same thing may happen in the next downturn.

Beyond the Bay

If the tech industry wants a faster solution than waiting for several decades of reform, it could decentralize and encourage more viable tech hubs elsewhere.

When Detroit’s automobile industry was around the same age that Silicon Valley is today, it began decentralizing production in the 1940s, decades before the 1967 race riots and competition from Asian automakers.

However, even if tech decentralizes a little bit, the state’s working- and middle-class are still screwed because these are issues that are deeply rooted in California’s approach to land-use and property taxation that stretch back decades. They’re visible all over the state well outside of Silicon Valley.

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NASA的帕克太阳探测器已经从太空中拍摄了第一张金星表面的可见光图像。由于被厚厚的云层所笼罩,金星的表面通常会被遮蔽,无法看到。但在最近两次飞越这颗行星时,帕克利用其广域成像仪即WISPR,以可见光谱的波长--即人眼可以看到的光的类型--对整个夜面进行成像并延伸到近红外。 这些图像被组合成视频,并由此揭示了来自表面的微弱光芒及显示了大陆地区、平原和高原等独特的特征。另外,还可以在视频中看到大气层中氧气的发光光环围绕着这个星球。“我们对帕克太阳探测器迄今为止所提供的科学见解感到兴奋,”NASA总部太阳物理学部的部门主管Nicola Fox说道,“帕克继续超出我们的预期,我们很高兴在我们的重力辅助机动期间所进行的这些新的观察能够以意想不到的方式帮助推进金星研究。”这颗行星通常被称为地球的孪生兄弟,这样的图像可以帮助科学家更多地了解金星的表面地质,那里可能存在哪些矿物以及这颗行星的演变。鉴于这两颗行星之间的相似性,这些信息可以帮助科学家了解为什么金星变得荒凉而地球成为绿洲。“金星是天空中第三亮的东西,但直到最近我们还没有掌握关于其表面的信息,因为我们的视线被厚厚的大气层挡住了,”这项新研究的论文第一作者、华盛顿特区海军研究实验室的物理学家Brian Wood说道,“现在,我们终于第一次从太空中看到了可见波长的表面。”意想不到的能力金星的首批WISPR图像是在2020年7月拍摄的,当时帕克开始进行第三次飞越,该航天器利用这次飞越使其轨道弯曲进而更接近太阳。WISPR旨在看到太阳大气和风中的微弱特征,一些科学家认为他们也许能够利用WISPR对帕克经过金星时遮挡金星的云顶进行成像。WISPR项目科学家Angelos Vourlidas表示:“目标是测量云层的速度。”他是新论文的共同作者,也是约翰霍普金斯大学应用物理实验室的研究员。但WISPR不仅看到了云层,还看到了这颗星球的表面。这些图像是如此引人注目,以至于科学家们在2021年2月的第四次飞越中再次打开了相机。在2021年的飞越过程中,航天器的轨道完美地排列在一起,这使得WISPR对金星的夜面进行了完整的成像。Wood说道:“这些图像和视频让我大吃一惊。”像锻造厂的铁器一样闪闪发光云层阻挡了来自金星表面的大部分可见光,但最长的可见光波长也就是与近红外波长接壤的波长却能通过。在白天,这种红光在金星云顶反射的明亮阳光中消失了,但在黑暗的夜晚,WISPR相机能够捕捉到这种由金星表面发出的难以置信的热量所引起的微弱光芒。Wood说道:“金星的表面,即使在夜间,也有约860度。它是如此之热,以至于金星的岩石表面明显地在发光,就像一块从锻造厂拉出来的铁。”当它经过金星时,WISPR收集了从470纳米到800纳米的一系列波长。其中一些光是近红外光--我们看不到的波长,但可以感觉到热量--还有一些是可见光范围,在380纳米和大约750纳米之间。金星上的新光1975年,Vener 9着陆器在登陆金星后首次发回了一个诱人的表面瞥见。从那时起,金星的表面被雷达和红外仪器进一步揭示出来,这些仪器可以通过使用人眼不可见的光的波长来透视厚厚的云层。NASA的Magellan任务在20世纪90年代利用雷达绘制了首批地图,JAXA的Akatsuki航天器在2016年到达金星周围的轨道后收集了红外图像。来自帕克的新图像则通过将观察范围扩大到我们所能看到的边缘的红色波长来补充这些发现。WISPR图像显示了金星表面的特征,如大陆地区Aphrodite Terra、Tellus Regio高原和Aino Planitia平原。由于高海拔地区比低海拔地区冷约85华氏度,所以它们在明亮的低地中显示为黑暗的斑块。这些特征还可以在以前的雷达图像中看到,如由麦哲伦拍摄的图像。除了观察表面特征,新WISPR图像还将帮助科学家更好地了解金星的地质和矿物构成。当被加热时,材料会以独特的波长发光。通过将新图像跟以前的图像相结合,科学家们现在有更广泛的波长可以研究,这可以帮助确定该行星表面有哪些矿物。这种技术以前曾被用于研究月球表面。未来的任务将继续扩大这一波长范围,这将有助于我们对宜居行星的了解。这些信息也可以帮助科学家了解该行星的演变。虽然金星、地球和火星都是在同一时间形成的,但它们今天却非常不同。火星上的大气层只有地球的一小部分,而金星的大气层则要厚得多。科学家们怀疑火山活动在创造金星稠密的大气层中发挥了作用,但需要更多的数据来了解。新的WISPR图像可能提供关于火山如何影响该星球大气层的线索。除了表面的光芒之外,新图像显示了行星边缘的一个明亮的环,这是由大气中的氧原子发出的光造成的。这种类型的光被称为气辉--也存在于地球的大气层中,从太空中可以看到,有时在夜间从地面也可以看到。飞越科学虽然帕克太阳探测器的主要目标是太阳科学,但金星的飞越提供了令人兴奋的机会以获得任务启动时未曾预期的意外数据。WISPR还对金星的轨道尘埃环进行了成像--这是金星围绕太阳的轨道上散落的微观粒子的圆环形轨迹,FIELDS仪器则对金星大气中的无线电波进行了直接测量从而帮助科学家了解在太阳11年的活动周期中高层大气如何变化。2021年12月,研究人员发表了关于重新发现金星背后流出来的类似彗星的等离子体尾巴的新发现。新结果显示,这条粒子尾巴从金星大气层延伸出近5000英里。这条尾巴可能是金星的水如何从这个星球上逸出并促成了其目前干燥和荒凉的环境。虽然未来两次飞越的几何形状可能不允许帕克对夜空进行成像,但科学家将继续使用帕克的其他仪器来研究金星的空间环境。2024年11月,该航天器将有最后一次机会,在其第七次也是最后一次飞越中对金星表面进行成像。金星研究的未来帕克太阳探测器由位于马里兰州劳雷尔的约翰-霍普金斯应用物理实验室建造和运营,它并不是第一个在飞越时收集意外数据的任务,但它最近的成功激励了其他任务在经过金星时打开它们的仪器。除了帕克,ESA的BepiColombo任务及ESA和NASA的Solar Orbiter任务已经决定在未来几年的飞越中收集数据。更多的航天器也将在本世纪末前往金星,包括NASA的DAVINCI和VERITAS任务及ESA的EnVision任务。这些任务都将有助于对金星的大气层进行成像和取样并用红外线波长以更高的分辨率重绘其表面。这些信息将帮助科学家确定表面的矿物构成并更好地了解这个星球的地质历史。NASA局总部行星科学部主任Lori Glaze说道:“通过研究金星的表面和大气层,我们希望即将进行的任务将帮助科学家了解金星的演变以及是什么原因使金星今天变得荒凉。虽然DAVINCI和VERITAS都将主要使用近红外成像,但帕克的结果已经表明了广泛的波长成像的价值。”
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