A massive leak on Twitch reveals how much the platform's streamers charge


The source code, user data and money charged by streamers has been completely leaked.

Twitch , the popular platform of streaming video belonging to Amazon, appears to have been victim of a massive leak that has revealed the source code of the platform , as well as private data of users and streamers of the platform, including among other information the money that the latter have been charged from July 2019 to September 2021 .

The leak has been shared through a torrent file using the 4Chan platform, with a weight of 125 GB containing, in the words of the anonymous user who shared the information, “the entirety of Twitch”.

Para que sirve el modo oscuro en Twitch

Twitch on an Android mobile.

They publish a list with all the money earned by streamers since July 2019

Shortly after the leak came to light, another user anonymous has posted a list that contains the money obtained by the main streamers of the platform in the 27-month period between July 2019 and September 2021, without subtracting the corresponding taxes. The list contains names like Ibai, Auronplay, Rubius and TheGrefg, all of them among the highest paid on the platform.

The content of the list has been verified by one of the streamers from the list . In that sense, it is worth noting that the list includes – in this order – the name of each streamer , your unique identifier and the income generated .

UPDATE: another anon re-ran the math, something was fuckey about that first one.
This seems slightly more realistic. pic.twitter.com/kNV1wVEMxF

– Sinoc (@ Sinoc229) October 6, 2021

But that’s not all: the leak also contains the code full source from Twitch , including encrypted user passwords , and indications that refer to an assumption Steam rival developed by Twitch , known by the codename “Steam”. The code for the web version and Twitch mobile apps, as well as a Unity-based project called “Vapeworld”.

However, the anonymous user claims that this is only part of the leak , and that even more data from the platform could be shared later. Currently, from Twitch have not commented on the matter of the leak.

Needless to say It is a good idea to change the password of the Twitch account as soon as possible , as well as activating two-factor authentication in case it was not already

Related topics: Applications


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