“A matter of trust is not on the agenda”: meeting between the Congressional Commission and Pedro Castillo ended

Shortly before 1 in the morning of Thursday, the president of the Congress, María del Carmen Alva , left the headquarters of the Government Palace, where a delegation of Congress met with President Pedro Castilo, to discuss a possible question of confidence announced by the head of the Ministerial Cabinet, Guido Bellido in the face of a possible censure by the minister Iber Maraví .

Upon leaving, the head of the Legislative pointed out that during the meeting the president assured them that the statements of Guido Bellido did not express the general sentiment of the Cabinet.

“We have had a very cordial communication, in which the president has expressed that it is not the general feeling of the Cabinet (…) In the Congress we have always demonstrated dialogue to work for governance, that is why we are here and the issue has already been clarified and that is why we are leaving in peace, “he said.

He added that the mandate io confirmed that the question of trust is not on the agenda and that he will meet with the head of the Council of Ministers to discuss this issue.

Meeting in the Palace

The commission appointed by the Board of Spokespersons of the Congress met from 11:30 at night with the president at the headquarters of the Executive. María del Carmen Alva was accompanied by the vice-presidents of the Board of Directors, in addition to the spokespersons of the Legislative benches.

Among the legislators who arrived at the headquarters of the Executive are Waldemar Cerrón (Peru Libre), Jorge Montoya (Popular Renovation), Patricia Chirinos (Avanza País), Ruth Luque (Together for the Peru) and Flor Pablo (Purple Party).

The head of the Council of Minister also participated in the meeting ,
Guido Bellido , who retired from Government Palace shortly before the midnight.

Agreement and statements of Guido Bellido

The Board of Spokespersons unanimously agreed to designate this commission to deal with the president Pedro Castillo the statements made by the head of the Ministerial Cabinet, Guido Bellido , at a press conference.

As specified, it was necessary to talk “today” with the president and that he should pronounce himself clearly and firm on the statements made by Guido Bellido. The head of the Council of Ministers indicated that “if necessary” a question of trust would be raised by Iber Maraví .

“The Congress of the Republic is summoning the Minister of Labor, Iber Maraví . Our absolute support, I will accompany him and if necessary we will ask for a question of trust, such as a Council of Ministers must be, where there is full solidarity because this responds to a political issue ”, he said.

As specified, the Congress has no basis to carry out the interpellation and added that it is a political issue, since there are sectors that are not in according to the appointments made by the president Pedro Castillo in the ministries.

Iber Maraví will be questioned this Thursday for being linked to Shining Path, in addition to his relationship with Conare-Sutep. In total there will be seven questions on these issues that the Minister of Labor must answer before the national representation.

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