A passenger carrying objects painted black was detained

The saying goes that not everything that glitters is gold but what doesn’t shine can be. A passenger from Colombia traveled to Florida from Colombia with objects painted black.

The authorities of the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) made a shocking discovery at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport ( FLL) thanks to the agents’ keen eye to distinguish details in passengers.

CBP agents noticed something strange in a traveler coming from a flight from Colombia : He had black painted belt buckles, bracelets and key rings. But the original color of the objects was too bright and yes, it was gold.

The agents discovered that in those objects that he had painted black to avoid detection, the A passenger was carrying 2,704 grams of smuggled gold, worth an estimated $ 170,000, authorities said Friday. Local news has never been more important

“Gold is one of the top ten smugglers worldwide, whether it be to evade taxes from customs or to launder the illicit proceeds of transnational criminal organizations, ”stated the acting director of CBP in the port of Fort Lauderdale, Stephen Balog.

Smuggler stopped by @ CBP officers with “Black Gold” at Florida airport. Learn more – https://t.co/8ZWxxVYoY2 pic.twitter.com/eKysCYfv4I

– CBP Florida (@CBPFlorida) October 8, 2021

Balog highlighted in the statement that “this discovery is indicative of the attention to detail that our agents deploy every day to protect our nation’s economy.”

The gold has been seized and its origin is being examined by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents, Customs reported.

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