A sugarcane stock suddenly increased in price by 400% after just over 1 month of trading

In the past time, stocks of sugar companies have recorded many waves of increase. strongly with the series of dramatic increases to the ceiling for many consecutive sessions. The supporting factor came from the fact that world sugar prices have continued to escalate to a record level, now back to the peak at the end of August, recording 19.93 USD/Lbs. In the domestic market, the price of domestic sugar sold at the factory has also risen to around 20,000 VND/kg.

Besides, efforts to “solve” “rescuing” the domestic sugar market from the situation of cheap sugar smuggled from Thailand through the application of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy taxes officially opens up a positive profit prospect for this group at least assessed. price will last until the end of 2021.

“>The world sugar price movement in the past time

Catching up with the breakthrough In the industry, CBS shares of Cao Bang Sugar are suddenly “waking up” when they hit the ceiling price in 12 out of the last 14 sessions. So suddenly, from the beginning of September alone until now, the stock value has increased by 402%, from 13,200 VND/share to 66,300 VND/share

Parallel to the price increase, the liquidity also improved with from a few tens of thousands to a few hundred thousand shares matched each session. Before, this stock had almost no transactions. .

Một cổ phiếu mía đường tăng giá đột biến 400% chỉ sau hơn 1 tháng giao dịch - Ảnh 2.

“>CBS stock is up more than 400% in just over a month of trading

Yes Notice that the “wave” of CBS stock started to take place after CBS Chairman Mr. Nong Van Thuyet announced to become a major shareholder from the beginning of August and continued to register to buy another 20,000 CBS shares in the coming year. September. However, Mr. Thuyet failed to collect more shares in September because he could not satisfy the price requirement.

Leaders simultaneously divested when the stock price broke the peak

When the market has mainly kept the sideways rhythm and struggled while waiting for new information, the increasing momentum of CBS stock has become a “strange phenomenon”, prompting investors to immediately pay attention. Not only that, a series of leaders who are shareholders at CBS also quickly registered to sell shares, in order to make big profits in the context of sublime stock prices.

Specifically, during the period from October 6 On October 26, 2021, Ms. Ma Thi Quyet – Member of the Board of Directors of CBS and Ms. Hoang Thi Quyet – Head of the Supervisory Board of CBS registered to sell 40,000 shares and 7,000 shares of CBS respectively to keep for the purpose of using money. for personal consumption. The transaction was executed by order matching method.

Also during the above period, Mr. Dam Thinh Hung and Mr. Hoang Van Truong, respectively, husband and wife. Quyet’s brother also registered to sell all CBS shares, totaling nearly 14,000 units. In addition, Mrs. Nong Thi Thuy, the younger sister of President Nong Van Thuyet, also registered to sell out 7,222 CBS shares.

Same afternoon, from 6/. From October 10 to October 25, Mr. Dinh Be Dinh – Member of the CBS Supervisory Board registered to sell 4,840 CBS shares by order matching method, reducing the shares owned from 7,840 to 3,000 units.

Previously, Ms. Nong Thi Nau – Deputy General Director of the Company also registered to sell all more than 28.8 thousand CBS shares, rate 0.82%, expected Trading time from October 4 to October 25, 2021. Two other shareholders, Mr. Nong Van Ba ​​- brother of the Board of Directors and Mr. Truong Minh Duc – a member of the Board of Directors, also registered to sell 5,762 and 8,000 holding shares.

Currently, the charter capital of CBS is more than 35 billion dong, of which the largest shareholder is Mr. Nong Van Lac – Member of the Board of Directors with holding 16.41 million shares, equivalent to the ratio 46, 52%; 2nd place is Song Phuong Trading and Service Joint Stock Company, owning nearly 2 million CBS shares, equivalent to 5.56%.Một cổ phiếu mía đường tăng giá đột biến 400% chỉ sau hơn 1 tháng giao dịch - Ảnh 2.

Profit after tax in the fiscal year 2020-2021 increased sharply, 4 times higher than the same period last year Một cổ phiếu mía đường tăng giá đột biến 400% chỉ sau hơn 1 tháng giao dịch - Ảnh 4.

In addition to external factors affecting, CBS’s internal also has outstanding points. Accordingly, at the end of the fiscal year 2020-2021, although CBS recorded a total sales revenue of approximately VND 244 billion, a slight decrease compared to the previous year.

However, the company reduced COGS by 24%, helping to increase gross profit impressively by 3.3 times to 63 billion dong; Thereby gross profit margin improved from 7.4% to nearly 26%. Deducting expenses, CBS reported nearly 4 times more profit after tax, exceeding 56 billion VND.

Thus, after years of heavy losses, this is the first year CBS has recorded a profit. net profit has a double-digit value and is also the biggest profit year since this company was listed on the stock exchange.

As of June 30, 2021, CBS’s total assets reached nearly VND 166 billion, an increase of 30% compared to the beginning. period. In which, cash and cash equivalents reached VND 63 billion, 4 times higher than the figure at the beginning of the period.

On October 26, CBS will organize the annual General Meeting of Shareholders in the form of online. The company announced to close the list of shareholders on September 28.According to published documents, in the year 2021-2022 ( July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022), CBS set a “cautious” plan with a revenue of over 218 billion dong and pre-tax profit of over 26.7 billion dong. Compared to the results of the previous year, these indicators are down 11% and 53%, respectively. Một cổ phiếu mía đường tăng giá đột biến 400% chỉ sau hơn 1 tháng giao dịch - Ảnh 2.

CBS is expected to pay 8.5 billion dong to the state budget and pay dividends at the rate of 20%.

CBS commented, The market price in 2022 still has room to increase when the sugar industry still maintains a shortage of supply compared to demand. However, there are still some risk factors, especially the COVID-19 pandemic, which will reduce product consumption, affecting the company’s business.

In the sugarcane group prospect assessment report of SSI Research, sugar prices may increase until 2022 as the global sugar deficit will widen in the 2021-2022 crop year, reaching 3.8 million tonnes compared to a shortfall of 3 million tonnes in

Vietnam’s domestic sugar price has approached the regional sugar price, surpassing Thailand’s price by 10% but still lower than other countries the difference is about 7% -19%. While the impact of tax rates has been partially reflected in domestic sugar prices, SSI Research believes that investigations into tax evasion and the global deficit will continue to drive sugar prices rapidly through 2022. .Một cổ phiếu mía đường tăng giá đột biến 400% chỉ sau hơn 1 tháng giao dịch - Ảnh 2.

Một cổ phiếu mía đường tăng giá đột biến 400% chỉ sau hơn 1 tháng giao dịch - Ảnh 4.Một cổ phiếu mía đường tăng giá đột biến 400% chỉ sau hơn 1 tháng giao dịch - Ảnh 1.

Một cổ phiếu mía đường tăng giá đột biến 400% chỉ sau hơn 1 tháng giao dịch - Ảnh 4.

Phuong Linh

By Business and Marketing

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