Train yourself to fall asleep in 2 minutes with this smart sleep hack

Almost half of all Americans report feeling sleepy during the day, at least three days out of the week. Additionally, 35.2 percent of adults in the U.S. get less than seven hours of sleep a night. If you’re struggling to get to sleep, then this research-backed two-minute sleep hack could help you cut down on those sleepless nights.

This two-minute sleep hack could help you get a better night’s rest

Keeping a worry journal can be a quick two-minute sleep hack to help you fall asleep at nightImage source: Amazon

Once you’re in a cycle of sleeplessness, it can be hard to break out, scientists say. As such, finding new and innovative ways to help clear your mind at night can be helpful. One two-minute sleep hack that may help some users is to keep what scientists call a “worry journal.”

The basic idea behind the worry journal is to take one to two minutes each night to write down any concerns or worries plaguing you at the moment. Then, when you do lay down to sleep, you can focus on getting to sleep instead of having to worry about those thoughts or problems.

Now, of course, this idea isn’t going to work for everyone. But it has had promising results for some.

Getting to sleep faster

A woman sleeping comfortably in her bedImage source: Jacob Lund/Adobe

There are, of course, several things you can do to help increase your chance of getting to sleep faster. I’ve even covered quick two-minute sleep hacks from TikTok here on the site in the past. And, of course, there are always different sleep supplements like Melatonin pills, gummies, and more.

But, if you’re looking for an easy, two-minute sleep hack, then writing things down in a worry journal could be a good place to start.

Additionally, some believe that writing can actually be good for your mental health. And I’ve even seen some people on Twitter and other social media recommend keeping a daily journal to help clear your brain of things happening in your life.

Of course, the problem with relying on supplements is that some of them may have side effects. With a sleep hack like the worry journal, though, you don’t have to worry about keeping up with medication.

And, because there are so many different devices you can write on, you could use a notebook, your laptop, or even your phone to write your worry journal.

While this two-minute sleep hack doesn’t take up much time, you can always choose to extend the amount of time you write. One study tasked college students with spending 15 minutes writing before bed. Many of them saw reduced worry and anxiety at night as well as less stress.

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