A total of 51 people have been infected in the Taoji epidemic!Children from a primary school in Taoyuan “contacted a confirmed case” and seven schools were closed in emergency

桃機群聚案擴大,桃園目前有7校緊急宣布停課。(醫護人員篩檢示意圖)   圖:張良一/攝(資料照)

The peach machine cluster case expanded, Currently, 7 schools in Taoyuan have announced emergency suspension of classes. (Schematic diagram of screening by medical staff) Photo: Zhang Liangyi/Photo (file photo)

The Taoji cluster case expanded. On the 12th, 4 new local cases were added during the day, 3 of which were confirmed by bank clerks and belonged to the transmission chain of the resident service worker (case 17472). Unexpectedly, the central epidemic situation commanded at night The center announced another 9 new local cases, and a primary school in Zhongli District, Taoyuan City also received an urgent notice that a school child who had been in contact with a confirmed case will suspend classes for one day on the 13th in accordance with the epidemic prevention guidelines. There are currently 7 students in Taoyuan City. The school announced an emergency closure.

There was a cluster at the Federal Bank in Zhongli District, Taoyuan. 9 new employees were diagnosed this evening, and a total of 12 confirmed cases have been confirmed. Based on epidemic prevention considerations, the school, Remedial classes and kindergartens have taken precautionary suspension for one day on the 13th. At present, the places where preventive school closures are adopted are 2 private kindergartens in Pingzhen District, a cram school in Dayuan District, 1 elementary school and 1 affiliated kindergarten in Zhongli and Daxi District, and 1 middle school and 1 school in Pingzhen District. medical school. The Environmental Protection Bureau will send personnel to the campus to carry out cleanup operations.

There was an announcement from the school, and an urgent notification from the Education Bureau was received that a student had been in contact with a confirmed case. According to the epidemic prevention guidelines, the whole school will be suspended for one day on January 13. The school said: “There is currently no child diagnosed in our school, please don’t panic. Parents, please remind children to do epidemic prevention work at home. Administrators and teachers will go to the school to strengthen epidemic prevention and campus disinfection work. Thank you parents for your cooperation!” In this regard, Tao City The Education Bureau confirmed that the main reason for the school’s suspension was the children of the confirmed cases, so it was suspended for one day as a precautionary measure.

On the evening of the 12th, the 9 newly confirmed employees of the Zhongli Union Bank’s Jianxing Branch, if all of them are included in the Taoji-related epidemic, the cumulative number of cases related to the Taoji epidemic has so far reached 51. Confirmed, except for one taxi driver in Taoji who had different virus sequences, the remaining 50 cases were temporarily clustered. The command center explained that the Taoyuan Municipal Health Bureau has opened community inspections in Zhongli District Zhongzheng Park, Zhonglu Park, Longgang Inspection Station, Zhongli District Liming Park, North District Hakka Hall, Ziqiang Activity Center, Dongxing Community Activity Center, etc. stand.

There was a cluster at the Federal Bank in Zhongli District, Taoyuan. 9 new employees were diagnosed this evening, and a total of 12 confirmed cases have been reported. , Based on the consideration of epidemic prevention, the schools, cram schools, and kindergartens attended by their children have adopted preventive suspensions for one day on the 13th. At present, the places where preventive school closures are adopted are 2 private kindergartens in Pingzhen District, a cram school in Dayuan District, 1 elementary school and 1 affiliated kindergarten in Zhongli and Daxi District, and 1 middle school and 1 school in Pingzhen District. medical school. The Environmental Protection Bureau will send personnel to the campus to carry out cleanup operations. The cluster case of Taoji has expanded, and 4 local cases were added during the day on the 12th, 3 of which were confirmed by bank clerks and belonged to residents. The server (case 17472) spread the chain. Unexpectedly, the Central Epidemic Command Center announced 9 new local cases in the evening. A primary school in Zhongli District, Taoyuan City also received an urgent notice that a school child was in contact with a confirmed case, and the epidemic prevention According to the guidelines, the entire school will be closed for one day on the 13th. Currently, 7 schools in Taoyuan have announced the emergency suspension of classes.

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