Abicom: gasoline should rise another 6% and diesel 7% to maintain external parity

Despite the gasoline and diesel readjustments carried out this Wednesday, 12, by Petrobras, prices remain lagged in the domestic market and prevent imports of derivatives, informs the Brazilian Association of Fuel Importers (Abicom). According to the entity, gasoline is, on average, 6% below the price practiced on the international market, and diesel oil, 7%. To match foreign prices, the state-owned company would have to increase, on average, the sale value at the refineries by R$0.19 and R$0.25 per liter, respectively.

Ativa Investimentos also informed yesterday that there is still room for Petrobras to increase the price of gasoline by another 5% (about R$0.15), even after the announcement of the last price revision.

Petrobras has readjusted on Wednesday gasoline at 4.8% and diesel at 8%, after the price of oil gave indications that it should remain at a high level, around US$ 80 a barrel. Around 9:30 am this Thursday, the commodity contracts for March were traded at R$ 84.59 a barrel.

The state-owned company says it maintains parity with import prices (PPI) , but that only readjusts prices when there is a structural change and not a conjunctural one.

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