According to the prime minister, the program of the new Czech government is realistic

The Czech coalition government’s program is realistic, promises unattainable and aims to make the Czech Republic one of the most developed countries in the world, Prime Minister Petr Fiala said in Prague on Wednesday when he outlined his government’s program and asked for confidence from the House of Representatives.

According to Petr Fiala, the government wants to stabilize public spending as soon as possible, to start the pension reform that has been delayed for years, and to renew in its foreign policy the democracy, human rights and civil society

“The Czech Republic is part of a democratic Europe, we want the values ​​of freedom and democracy, “said the Prime Minister.”

He noted that the Czech Republic Magnitsky’s law, which penalizes human rights violations in the world.

The government is a committed supporter of the Czech Republic’s EU and NATO membership, intends to pursue an active foreign policy and plans to increase defense spending to two percent of GDP by 2025, which would be enshrined in law, stressed Petr Fiala.

The UN movement will not vote confidence in the government because it promises unachievable things in its program, said Andrej Babiš, the former head of government of the opposition movement, who responded to Petr Fiala’s speech in less than an hour and a half. In his speech, Babiš described the previous government as very successful and criticized the new government program.

In the lower house of the 200-member parliament, the five-party governing coalition has 108 members, in accordance with the rules in force,

The vote of confidence is expected to take place late Wednesday afternoon or evening, following a debate on the government program. Dozens, mostly opposition members, spoke.

(TASR / Felvidé

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