After a controversial phrase, Cecilia Moreau clarified that “it is not a threat” and quoted Cristina Kirchner

After having accused the supermarkets of speculating and having threatened to “close branches”, he tried to justify his sayings

After having accused the supermarkets of speculating and threatening to “close branches”, Cecilia Moreau tried to put cold cloths on the controversy that began with her controversial statements. Through a thread on Twitter, the deputy tried to explain what she had said and paraphrased Cristina Kirchner. In a series of tweets, the deputy and vice president of the Frente De Todos bloc decided to explain that in her words she referred to “ compliance with the Gondolas Law, voted in Congress in 2019 by referents from all over the world. political arc, including Let’s change “. “Do not make curlers, it is not a threat, it is about enforcing the law and defending the economy of the workers. I know that Paula Español is making every effort, because our priority is to continue taking care of the pocket of the Argentines and the Argentines, “he continued. It is worth mentioning that Spanish is the official who negotiates with supermarkets in parallel to the deputy’s statements. Moreau reduce his phrase to a mere replica of what that law establishes as sanctions. “It provides that whoever fails to comply with its provisions will be subject to the sanctions provided for in article 18 of the Commercial Loyalty Regime,” the official said.

In the note that I talked about the prices of products in supermarkets, I referred to compliance with the Gondolas Law, voted in Congress in 2019 by referents of the entire political arc, including Cambiemos. – Cecilia Moreau (@ceciliamoreauok) September 29, 2021

In another post, he listed that, in scale, the measures that can be applied: “fines; suspension of up to 5 years in the records to contract with the State; loss of special regimes and closure of branches for a period of up to 30 days.”

Cecilia MoreauCecilia Moreau had stated that it was necessary to “take concrete actions and close the branches”

“It seems that the desire to generate more rift and anger is the order of the day. Do we want to attack or seriously discuss to solve people’s problems?” In addition, he referred to the link in which the Congress vote can be seen, when the Gondolas law was approved with 182 affirmative votes, without negatives and with 17 abstentions. In his explanation, Moreau did not deprive himself of citing the vice president, with the iconic phrase of the curlers, to the liking of his own rostrum.

Do not do the curlers, it is not a threat, it is about enforcing the law and defending the economy of the workers. I know that @ pauespanol is making every effort, because our priority is to continue taking care of the pockets of Argentines and the Argentines. – Cecilia Moreau (@ceciliamoreauok) September 29, 2021

What had Cecilia Moreau said

Cecilia Moreau had gotten into the negotiations between the Ministry of Internal Trade and the supermarkets for prices and charged the inks with a direct threat: “If they continue to speculate, what will have to be done is to take concrete actions and close the branches.”

Moreau había afirmado que era necesario Moreau had stated that it was necessary to “close branches”

He spoke about the challenge of his political space to try to turn around the elections in November after the defeat in the PASO. She said that the serious problem that currently exists is “the lack of alignment between salary and basic food consumption capacity,” so for her that is the priority that the Government must resolve. It was at that moment when he blamed the supermarkets for the situation and asked them to stop speculating and order the prices. For that he gave the value of milk as an example, which he explained It varies according to the places where you want to buy it. “It cannot be that the milk is on one side a price and another price in another place. If they continue to speculate with the milk of the Argentines, with the impoverishment of the Argentines, what will have to be done is to take concrete actions and close the branches that have prices outside of what they have to have, “he launched. His words were this Tuesday by FM La Patriada. And, as was recorded, the deputy asked that the Gondolas Law be complied with: “There are products that you really cannot find because they are more accessible products. You have to be firm in that,” she asked.

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