After an accident, Vale rescues 35 of 39 employees at a mine in Canada

Mineração da Vale
Vale Mining

SÃO PAULO – Vale (VALE3) informed this Tuesday, 28, that 35 of the 39 employees who were at the Totten mine in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, have already returned to the surface . All exited the mine via a secondary exit ladder system due to shaft damage that rendered the primary exit inoperative.

The remaining four employees continue to climb under supervision of rescue teams, according to the company.

On Sunday, 39 employees were trapped at a depth between 900 and 1,200 meters at the Totten mine, after an excavator shovel detached, blocking access and making the employee’s means of transportation (an elevator) unavailable.

During the ascent, employees are in contact with a team consisting of 15 people from Vale and Ontario Mine Rescue, who are overseeing the rescue action and supporting the group.

According to Vale, immediate medical support is being made available on site for employees who arrived at the surface healthy. Vale informed that it is working in partnership with teams conducting individual assessments and monitoring employees during the surfacing. Those who reach the surface undergo additional physical health checks and receive mental health support.

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