After the high bills: Will the ticket for public transport in Varna become more expensive?

Over BGN 1.2 million more was paid by the municipal company “City Transport” in Varna for electricity, gas and diesel in 2021 compared to 2020.

According to the accounts of the company’s management, last year the price of electricity for trolleybuses increased on average five times, and diesel and methane – about three times.

Despite the drastic increase, no increase in the price of the public transport ticket in the sea capital is currently being discussed.

However, the director of the company, Eng. Public Transport “- Varna can withstand this situation for no more than a month or two. From the company to receive compensation from the state of BGN 60,000 for October, but they are extremely insufficient.

There is also a problem with the conclusion of public procurement for the supply of electricity for trolleybuses, as none of the participants can guarantee that it will be able to supply electricity at a pre-agreed price.

For more details see the live broadcast of Daniela Tsekova.

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