Against the crown drink poison varicino!


Slovenians exchange advice on treatment online, which can end tragically. Miraculous drops of MMS are still on sale, despite inspections.

Fotografija: Tatjana Lejko Zupanc upa, da ljudje ne bodo nasedali. FOTO: Jože Suhadolnik

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Tatjana Lejko Zupanc hopes that people will not get stuck. PHOTO: Jože Suhadolnik


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Reading time: 6:57 min.

For more than ten years, despite the ban, we have been selling and advertising a “cure” for all diseases – MMS drops (Miracle Mineral Solution) or a miracle mineral. In an instant, it is supposed to ruthlessly kill all pathogens in the body, from viruses, including covid-19, fungi and bacteria, to cancer cells and cure autism, AIDS, tuberculosis and many other diseases, but it is actually a toxic sodium chlorite solution (NaClO2) and chlorine dioxide (ClO2). Both are very strong oxidants and are intended for external use, not for ingestion. The first is bleach and disinfectant, which the resistance …

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