The mayor who once made headlines for embracing migrants in his small Italian village has been handed a 13-year prison sentence.Domenico Lucano’s experiment to revive his hilltop village in the south was held up as a model for refugee integration — it won awards and inspired a short film. Then the former mayor, who goes…
Successful search marketing requires thoughtful coordination between diverse teams responsible for SEO, PPC, content, data, and beyond. One key to nurturing that coordination is a shared training experience that gets teams on the same page, speaking the same language, and working towards a shared vision of success. Sign your team up for their choice of SMX Master Class –…
Music is a unique art form through which musicians capture the different facets of society. The 62 years of Nigeria's existence are filled with several painful low points, the musicians from the different eras have lent their talents in demanding that the social contract that formed the basis of this nationhood be executed justly, fairly
Ermittlungen Ein Rotkreuz-Mitarbeiter gab dem Manager des Maskenlieferanten Oberalp Tipps, wie man die Republik unter Druck setzen könne. Er soll zur Klage in Österreich geraten haben, so der Deal abgeblasen würde Die Causa FFP2-Masken sorgt weiterhin für Aufsehen. Nach Bekanntwerden der Vermutung der italienischen Ermittler, dass Manager der Bozener Oberalp mit den Führungskräften des Österreichischen…