Ahead of his MotoGP debut, Remy Gardner actually suffered a fractured wrist

Pembalap Tech 3 KTM Factory Racing, Remy Gardner (c) KTM Images

Racer Tech 3 KTM Factory Racing, Remy Gardner (c) KTM Images

Bola.net – Unpleasant news coming from the Moto2 world champion 2021 , Remy Gardner. Ahead of his debut in MotoGP 2022 together Tech 3 KTM Factory Racing, he actually fractured his right wrist bone due to an accident during a motocross practice session.

Gardner, who lives in Spain, regularly undergoes motocross training at various tracks. According to Tech 3’s official statement on Tuesday (18/1/2022), after Gardner was operated on, the Australian rider experienced the accident on Saturday (15/1/2022).

Gardner was then taken to Dexeus Hospital, Barcelona, ​​to be treated by dr. Xavier Mir, who is also a MotoGP Traumatology Specialist. The 23-year-old rider will also start the rehabilitation process starting Friday (21/1/2022).

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KTM Factory Racing Tech 3 Official Statement

“Following an incident during a motocross practice session last Saturday, Remy suffered a minor fracture to his right wrist which required surgery.

“Remy was operated on today (Tuesday) in Barcelona by dr. Mir, who put down two screws to help him recover. The operation was a success, and we are relieved to announce that our #87 rider will be able to start his recovery process on Friday. Thank you, dr. Mir, and a speedy recovery, the champ.”

Now, Gardner has two weeks to recover, before appearing in the trial shakedown

exclusively for debutants and test riders in Sepang, Malaysia, on January 31 – February 2nd. After that, the senior MotoGP riders will join on February 5-6.

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