Alexandru Rafila, reaction to medical graduates who refuse to get vaccinated: “It's very difficult to understand”


AUTHOR: Irina Chirtoc

Rafila stated that sometimes his colleagues Doctors abroad feel “embarrassed” to ask him about vaccination in our country.

“I have nothing to answer them either, because for me, too, I said it, it is very difficult to understand why a person who graduated from medical school refuses to get vaccinated or, what is perhaps even worse than that, why he can send messages to his patients that it would be better not to get vaccinated. This is a very serious matter. Of course, there are not many cases, maybe, I don’t know, nobody did any research “, said the doctor on Sunday, on a TV station.

Rafila reiterated the need for schools where there are no cases of Covid-19 to remain open, stressing that the safest schools will be those in which members of children’s families will be vaccinated.

”The safest schools will be those in which the parents and the family close to the child, with whom he lives, will be vaccinated. Of course, and teachers or non-teaching staff. But the risk for the child to get sick and pass the infection to another child at school, for example, will no longer exist, because if all the adults around the children are vaccinated, the risk – of course, is not impossible. , there are also vaccinated people who get the infection – but the risk decreases. This is what we have to understand, that by the fact that there are adults who refuse to get vaccinated, we limit, indirectly or directly, the children’s right to proper development “, explained the PSD deputy.

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