Ali Campbell’s tour will go ahead in memory of UB40 bandmate Astro

Ali Campbell of UB40’s upcoming UK tour will go ahead in memory of his late bandmate, Astro.

The multi-instrumentalist – who played percussion, trumpet, and sang in the legendary reggae-pop band – sadly passed away after a “very short illness” aged 64 in November.

And Ali, 61, has confirmed his upcoming dates as UB40 Featuring Ali Campbell will honour his dear friend.

In a statement, he said: “I can’t wait to get back on stage and see all our wonderful fans. It’s going to be incredibly difficult without Astro by my side.

Remembering Astro, let the music play on.

Big love, Ali.”

The run kicks off at London’s The O2 arena on February 25 and wraps in Sheffield on March 6.

UB40 formed in Birmingham in 1978.

Duncan Campbell, 63, replaced brother Ali in 2008 after he left over a disagreement about management.

Ali and Astro went on to tour as UB40 Featuring Ali, Astro & Mickey, along with Mickey Virtue.

Astro left the group in November 2013.

Duncan was replaced by KIOKO’s Matt Doyle in 2021, after he was forced to end his tenure in the ‘Red Red Wine’ group to focus on his recovery from a stroke in August 2020.

The news of Astro’s passing was confirmed on the official UB40 Twitter account.

A statement read: “RIP ASTRO

“We have heard tonight, the sad news that ex-member of UB40, Terence Wilson, better know as Astro, has passed away after a short illness.

“Our sincere condolences to his family

“UB40 (sic)”

Ali admitted he was “completely heartbroken” in his own post.

He tweeted: “We are absolutely devastated and completely heartbroken to have to tell you that our beloved Astro has today passed away after a very short illness. The world will never be the same without him.

“We ask you to please respect his family’s privacy at this incredibly difficult time.”

Reggae Roast Soundsystem are special guests on the tour.

Tickets are available from

The UB40 Featuring Ali Campbell tour dates are:

February 25th, London The O2

February 26th, Brighton Centre

March 4th, Cardiff Motorpoint Arena

March 5th, Birmingham Utilita Arena

March 6th, Sheffield City Hall

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