All his bones were broken, he went into a coma and he had a stroke: Adam sent this to his ford

After a terrible accident, the young sportsman hoped for his wader.

After a terrible accident, the young sportsman hoped for his wader.

Last year, Ádám Paczuk , now twenty , who started to achieve great success as a Hungarian national team powerlifter, started driving again and going to the gym. The multiple Hungarian champion athlete had a horrible accident three years ago , after which he literally returned from the throat of death . Adam drove out of the gas station to the highway that day, but his car suddenly suffocated and was crushed with an inattentive truck reality along with the car. Almost all the bones of a young man , who had previously been considered a great hope in his sport, were broken, his skull was torn, his broken ribs pierced his lungs and was hypoxic for more than five hours. He was in a coma and ventilator for 31 days and then received amnesia upon awakening. he didn’t remember anything, he didn’t even recognize his parents.

Paczuk Adam survived a horrible accident. Now message to your wader © Facts I looked at them like strangers. They came, babbling, kissing my feet – said the Facts Adam, who then went through a wonderful recovery month after month thanks to rehabilitation. However, the young man’s calvary did not end at all, after he had a stroke one morning, his right side was paralyzed, his right eye was blinded – his right arm is still difficult to move I’m angry about one thing. Not because he was hit, but because he did not seek and apologize – Adam told the truck wader, who also said that in addition to him, two more people were traveling in the car, one friend was sent home after eight days and the other after a day of hospitalization.


The young man drives again a year ago, as he says, not afraid of the roads after not remembering the details of the accident at all. Adam has already competed in a powerlifting tournament and would like to compete in more competitions in the future.
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