Allegro will sell insurance

2022-01-05 11:10

2022-01-05 11:10

Allegro będzie sprzedawać ubezpieczenia
Allegro będzie sprzedawać ubezpieczenia

/ Allegro

Allegro starts the new year with the introduction of changes. Among the novelties, incl. the possibility of purchasing insurance via the website, a lower minimum order value in Smart Allegro and the elimination of the age limit for Allegro Pay .

Everything seems to be coming soon you will be able to buy insurance on Allegro . The company announces the new option in a press release concerning, inter alia, updating the privacy policy: “You will soon buy insurance on Allegro. Therefore, we have added information on the processing of personal data in connection with this service.”

Another change concerns Allegro Smart. The company decided to permanently reduce the value of the order , where you can take advantage of free courier delivery. The minimum value of the basket from one seller is PLN 40. A few months earlier, Allegro introduced this option as part of the promotion – previously, free courier delivery was carried out for orders over PLN 80.

New option on Allegro. The company enters machine learning

This is not the end of the changes that have taken place to take effect in the new year on the sales platform. The company has removed the age restriction in Allegro Pay. From January 4, the service can be used by people over 75 years of age. The settlement of overpayments has also been clarified. “First, we will transfer the overpaid amount to any overdue payments under other Allegro Pay agreements. If you do not have any outstanding payments, we will return the overpayment to your account” – Allegro says in a press release.


Sprawdź, jak odebrać na start 24 000 punktów o wartości do 400 zł z kartą kredytową CitiBanku (RRSO 12,59%)

Check how to collect 24,000 points worth up to PLN 400 at the start with a credit card CitiBanku (APR 12.59%)

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Linked: Online shopping



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