Amazon has banned the creation of new characters on the crowded New World servers

03.10.2021 , Vladimir Kunshin

The new MMO New World from Amazon Game Studios has shown a successful start – on the debut day there were over 400 thousand users in the game at the same time, and yesterday, October 2, the figure exceeded 850 thousand. Due to this influx of players, the developers had to close the ability to create new characters on crowded servers. Previously created characters will be available on high load servers.

Источник: Amazon

Source: Amazon

Amazon plans to increase capacity and increase the number of servers. The company wants to “stabilize” waiting time in the queue. Gamers complain about the excessively long entry into the game, who left a lot of negative reviews on Steam . Now the New World rating has dropped to 59%.

Источник: SteamDB

So far, the developers are asking to check the status of the desired server on a special page and select the worlds with the lowest load. According to the authors, about 40% of servers have almost no queues. The studio is also working on the ability to transfer characters from one server to another.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos called New World a successful project. He noted that the gaming division of the company, despite a number of setbacks and transfers, was able to achieve the goal.

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