Ammunition in Lake Neuchâtel does not “seriously” damage the environment


Measurements on the air force firing range in Lake Neuchâtel show no exposure to explosives Residues.

Since the 1920s, the army has been firing airplanes near Forel (FR) in the La Grande Cariçaie nature reserve on the shores of Lake Neuchâtel. Around 5000 tons of ammunition waste has accumulated there over the years. In the last decades only practice ammunition was used, but from earlier times there are also real bombs and possibly duds on the bottom of the lake.

Report on the possible burden

In consultation with the affected cantons and environmental protection associations, the DDPS Defense Department carried out measurements in the lake floor and in the water in the spring. A report now shows that no problematic pollution of the environment was found. Explosives could not be detected and the residues of heavy metals move within the scope of measurements in other places in the lake.

«According to today Level of knowledge, no serious effects on the environment are to be expected ”, says the head of space and environment at the DDPS, Bruno Locher. “However, there are still open questions, for example about possible long-term effects on flora and fauna.” The DDPS has therefore agreed with the cantons and associations that further investigations should be carried out. According to the VBS, which points should be clarified is defined in a next step.

Legend: This is how it looks when the army carries out its target practice : The ammunition ends up in the lake. SRF

The Ammunition may have to go

Irrespective of this, Federal Councilor Viola Amherd decided that the army must draw up an evacuation plan . This should be available by summer 2022 and show how a possible evacuation of the waste could be carried out and what consequences it would have. In addition, Amherd has given the army the task of clarifying whether shooting training in the nature reserve can be dispensed with in the long term.

At the environmental protection association Pro Natura, one takes note of this with satisfaction. “The DDPS has finally recognized that there is a need for action here,” says the President of Pro Natura Freiburg, Marc Vonlanthen. So far, the army has always waved it off. “We are pleased that there is obviously a rethink taking place.” However, words should be followed by action. Pro Natura continues to demand that the army rehabilitate the firing range as soon as possible and refrain from shooting training in the nature reserve in the long term.

Regional Journal Bern Freiburg Wallis, 12:03 p.m.

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