An all-female comedy in Rome: “Tempo al Tempo”

At the Manzoni Theater

A journey through experiences, comparisons and different ways of being Staged at the Manzoni Theater from 4 to 23 January 2022 directed by Paola Tiziana Cruciani

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Women of today and yesterday. A journey through experiences, comparisons and different ways of being. At the Teatro Manzoni in Rome on stage, from 4 to 23 January 2022, an all-female show “Tempo al Tempo” with Alessandra Costanzo, Beatrice Fazi, Antonella Laganà, Marta Zoffoli, directed by Paola Tiziana Cruciani.

A step back into the past

The comedy opens with the meeting of two friends leaving for the weekend. Along the way by car they get lost and find hospitality in a strange farmhouse inhabited by two women so vintage that they seem to come from the past. In reality it is! Incredibly, perhaps due to a bridge in space and time, in the refuge the friends find themselves in the midst of the revolutionaries of the seventies. Era of great social battles, between ideas of freedom, creativity, innovations. A jump back into the past with the inevitable and hilarious encounter-clash between the four protagonists and the two eras.


The opera will be staged on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 21:00. Scheduled in the afternoon every Saturday afternoon at 17:00, Tuesday 18 January at 19:00 and
Thursday 20 January at 17:00.

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