Android 12 has been released, but no one can install it yet (not even those with a Pixel)

Android 12 è stato rilasciato, ma nessuno può ancora installarlo (neanche chi ha un Pixel)

Google announced that Android 12 has been released on AOSP, but there is still no trace of the update not even on Pixel series devices

of “=” author “=” “=” “> Nino Grasso published 05 October 2021 , at 12:14 in the channel Telephony
Android Google

Google announced that the stable version of Android 12 is currently available in the AOSP channel (Android Open Source Project) . Differently from what happened with previous releases, therefore, the company has released the source code of new OS without even distributing it on their own Pixel series devices. However, the wait should not be long.

Google has announced on the Android Developers Blog which Android 12 is available on AOSP , promising that not only should it arrive on Pixels in the coming weeks , but also on Samsung Galaxy and on OPPO, OnePlus, realme, vivo and Xiaomi devices. The roll-out on the first terminals should be completed by the end of the year , however it is very likely that some of the older devices still supported will also wait several months to receive it.

“More than 225,000 of you have tested our preview releases on Pixels and our partner devices, and you have sent us over 50,000 bug reports to help us improve the quality of the release, “wrote Google in the direction of the developers and users who participated in the beta phase. The company will address the topic of Android 12 during the Android Dev Summit which will take place on 27 and 28 October 2021.

Android 12 available on AOSP, here are some news of the release

Between the news of Android 12 there is definitely the new Material You , a new user interface with which Google has redesigned the graphics component of the operating system in many of its aspects. Rounded corners, more interactive controls, and dynamic colors are the three key points of the new stylistic reinterpretation. We also have a new UI for the notification center, and performance optimizations: Google has managed to decrease the CPU time of core services by 22%, and the use of “big” cores by 15%.

There are also news regarding privacy, with a new dashboard in the Settings with which users can better manage app access to microphone, camera and geolocation. An icon in the status bar at the top of the screen informs you when the camera or microphone is actively used. You can find a deepening of Android 12 in our full article here .

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