Another arrow on Amarinder: Harish Rawat

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  • Harish Rawat Attacks Amarinder Again, Captain Did Not Even Give Me Time To Meet; Resigned Before Legislature Party Meeting To Avoid Accountability

Jalandhar9 hours ago

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Punjab Congress in-charge Harish Rawat has again attacked Captain Amarinder Singh. He said that Amarinder did not even give him time to meet him. Not only this, in the legislature party meeting, besides the issues of Punjab, Badals wanted to avoid accountability on the collusion. So he did not come to the meeting and resigned before that. Rawat said the party leadership was not unlike Amarinder. The truth is that Amarinder did not even want to understand the party situation within Punjab. Because of which he was forced to resign. They are joined by the Akalis and are also under pressure from the BJP.Amarinder tell, how many times the meeting of the legislature party was called
Harish Rawat said that it is also the responsibility of the Chief Minister to convene a meeting of the legislature party from time to time. So that they keep taking allies in their confidence. Amarinder should tell how many times he called the meeting of the legislature party while being the Chief Minister. Harish Rawat called it an unpleasant incident. रावत ने कहा कि पार्टी नेतृत्व अमरिंदर के उलट नहीं था। सच्चाई यह है कि अमरिंदर पंजाब के भीतर पार्टी के हालात को समझना ही नहीं चाहते थे।
Rawat said the party leadership was not unlike Amarinder’s. The truth is that Amarinder did not even want to understand the party situation within Punjab. )

Amarinder was not found when he went to ChandigarhHarish Rawat said that the letter of the MLAs After meeting, he tried to talk to Amarinder several times. Even before taking this decision, I wanted to talk to him. If we did not talk, we were left with no option but to call a meeting of the legislature party. Wanted to meet Amarinder even before the legislature party meeting, but he did not give time. Then it came to know that he is resigning at 4 pm.

रावत ने कहा कि पार्टी नेतृत्व अमरिंदर के उलट नहीं था। सच्चाई यह है कि अमरिंदर पंजाब के भीतर पार्टी के हालात को समझना ही नहीं चाहते थे। did not come to the meeting himself to avoid questions
Rawat said that Amarinder told Sonia about his decision. However, the party did not ask him to do such a thing. Amarinder knew that when he went to the legislature party meeting, he was told about the sacrilege of Sri Guru Granth Sahib, non-action on white collar drug mafia, power agreements against Punjab interest and cancellation of permits of Badal’s buses and Captain’s nexus with Badal family. I can ask.

Amarinder did not want the party’s victory

Harish Rawat said that there was complete atmosphere in Punjab against Amarinder. He was not even doing the work told by the high command. The MLAs believed that Amarinder did not want Congress’s victory in the next election. They suspected that the Captain was affiliated with the Akalis and was under pressure from the BJP.

The talk of being humiliated arose after meeting Shah
Harish Rawat said that Amarinder Singh’s talk of leaving the CM chair in Congress after being insulted by Home Minister Shah Came out after meeting. However, after resigning, Captain had said that he was insulted by calling a meeting of MLAs twice in Delhi and for the third time in Chandigarh. Now Captain has announced to leave Congress.हरीश रावत ने सोशल मीडिया पर अमरिंदर को दिया जवाब।

हरीश रावत ने सोशल मीडिया पर अमरिंदर को दिया जवाब।

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