Another madness of the left: here is the Monopoly pro immigration

The left has also succeeded in this: ideologizing Monopoly , the most famous board bargaining game in the world. Set aside the workers, the progressives, in order to impose their cultural hegemony (Gramsci docet), bet everything on the woke ideology , on the victimization of ethnic minorities and “of gender “, on inclusiveness, the most fashionable word on the left for some years now, whatever that means. An ideological and sectarian approach that passes – above all – from schools and children. Places where partisan propaganda finds fertile ground. And so, in the cylinder of the French identity left, as Libero reports, the “Monopoly of inequalities”, conceived by the Observatoire des inégalités, founded in 2003 that he declares himself “independent” but that he is not so independent. In reality, the idea is not new and dates back to 2017, but now the “Monopoly of inequalities” is proposed in an “educational box” designed for schools, which can be ordered from website of the association. 500 copies sold.

In the Monopoly of the left, whites are privileged

As the representatives of the association explain, this is not a box sold by l’Observatoire des inégalités to spend a moment of relaxation. It is truly a global tool that acts as a support to animate awareness sessions on equality in our society “. Our goal, they note, is to “ provide information and understanding of the facts “, identifying” at the same time as resources and ways to make the world a fairer place “. But how does this identity Monopoly work? Before the game the character cards are dealt, from category A, the most “privileged” one to C, the poorest one. “ Aurel, a 55-year-old white is in category A ” he explains to FranceInter Constance Monnie r, head of the youth equality project within the association. “ His salary is 300 euros and his assets are 2,000 euros, he starts the game with two houses and will have two dice to play during the game. He has a big advantage because every time he passes through the first square he will receive more money and he too will be able to acquire land faster “.

Mohamed, on the contrary, will be in category C, and “ will start with a salary of 100 euros and a assets of 600 euros, three times less than Aurel. He will have only one die to advance, so he will advance much more slowly: we have done about forty workshops and Mohamed has never won the game, just like the other category C players “ observes Constance Monnier. An effective – and a little sneaky – way to teach children to hate the “privileged white male”, right? A reverse racism: what would have happened, in fact, if someone had sold a Monopoly where people of color are portrayed as evil or in a stereotypical way? Who knows.

What’s in the “inclusive box”

In the box, in addition to the Monopoly. there are also two books. The first, Inequalities explained to young people , is made up of a set of cards which, in 48 pages, “ describe inequalities in France and in the world “. The second, Understanding inequalities , a book intended for adults, which decodes “ the mechanisms of inequalities “. These two booklets, we read on the association’s website, “ allow you to convey the basics on the issues of inequality and discrimination “. “ We are not asking for a revolution but we are asking for awareness of social realities, to show that not everyone experiences the same thing, that some are more advantaged than others “reaffirms the association in the presentation of the box that teaches children the ideology of politically correct.

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