Antiques Roadshow viewers distracted by ‘terrifying’ dolls – which receive staggering valuation

  • 20:41, 2 May 2022
  • Updated: 20:41, 2 May 2022

ANTIQUES Roadshow viewers were stunned by a set of dolls brought onto the show by a guest.

Those who tuned in to the the BBC show saw one of its guests bring on a set of dolls, which she was gifted as a young girl in the 70s.

The dolls had huge heads and creepy eyes


The dolls had huge heads and creepy eyes

The owned admitted she hated them as a kid


The owned admitted she hated them as a kid

Called Blythe’s Boutique dolls, they were made in America, and ran for only one year.

Speaking to expert Judith Miller, the owner of the dolls explained she wanted them valued as she’d never taken a liking to them.

Judith said: “The reason they only ran in 1972 is in some ways quite obvious.

“I think what’s hysterical about them is the massive head, the eyes and then the tiny feet.”

Viewers were stunned by how “terrifying” the dolls were, with many calling them “creepy”.

The owner revealed that the dolls had one special feature, which “makes them even more terrifying”.

She then pulled a string which made their eye colour change from blue to orange.

The owner said she “did hate them when I was little”, but can now appreciate their “groovy 70s appeal”.

She had a number of dolls in excellent condition, and multiple packs of fashionable clothing for them.

Revealing their value, Judith said: “I think in today’s market you’d be looking at £300 for this [a boxed outfit for the dolls] and certainly £1,000 for the doll.”

She continued to explain that due to their great condition, the entire set could fetch the owner a hefty sum of £5,000.

Despite their high value, fans of the show couldn’t get over the doll’s appearancers.

One wrote: “Those dolls look possessed!” as another agreed: “Terrifying doll alert on #antiquesroadshow”

Another called them “hysterical”, stating they were like a Margaret Keane in doll form.

“Love the artwork, but those dolls. they are scary, but i want one for the fear factor.”

The entire collection could fetch around £5,000


The entire collection could fetch around £5,000

Antiques Roadshow guest left stunned when told her antique is older than JESUS

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