Are intercity bus services canceled in Istanbul? Is it forbidden to enter and exit Istanbul? Istanbul Governor announced!

İstanbul’da şehirlerarası otobüs seferleri iptal mi? İstanbul'a giriş çıkış yasak mı? İstanbul Valisi duyurdu!İstanbul’da şehirlerarası otobüs seferleri iptal mi? İstanbul'a giriş çıkış yasak mı? İstanbul Valisi duyurdu!İstanbul’da şehirlerarası otobüs seferleri iptal mi? İstanbul'a giriş çıkış yasak mı? İstanbul Valisi duyurdu!

With the snowfall affecting Istanbul, restrictions on entry and exit to Istanbul came to the fore. While some ferry services and flights were canceled, eyes were turned on intercity bus services. Restrictions were imposed on entry and exit from Istanbul. Statements came one after another from the provinces.


Intercity buses in Istanbul also suspended their activities for a short time. Istanbul Governor Ali Yerlikaya announced the details of the bus services. Here is the latest situation in Istanbul…

Governor Yerlikaya, in his statement ;

Dear compatriots;

Exits in Esenler, Harem and all mobile bus stations; Tomorrow (Tuesday) The alarm clock has been stopped until 08:00.”

Announced that vehicles in Kocaeli will not be able to go to Istanbul until a second announcement due to heavy snowfall.

It has been reported that vehicles going from Tekirdağ to Istanbul will not be allowed to leave the provincial borders until a second announcement. It has been reported that transportation from Kırklareli and Edirne to Istanbul will not be allowed.

Due to heavy snowfall and type on arrivals from Anatolia to Istanbul All vehicles will be kept in suitable places in Bursa, Yalova, Izmit, Kocaeli, Sakarya and Düzce. Citizens are warned not to set off in the direction of Istanbul, except in mandatory situations. Entrances to Istanbul by Thrace were closed due to heavy snowfall and snowstorm.

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