Cher Horowitz Hair Will Be Everywhere This Fall

If, while rewatching Clueless, you’ve found yourself unable to focus on the plot, instead captivated by Alicia Silverstone’s gleaming curtain of golden hair, you’re not alone. In fact, expect to see fluffy, polished Cher Horowitz hair everywhere this fall. 

“Cher hair” comes hot on the tails of the classic ’90s blowout trend, which is currently having a major moment both on the red carpet and in real life. On TikTok, teens are swapping beach waves for rollers and round brushes, and the hashtag #velcrorollers currently has 27.8 million views on the app. But while the classic bombshell blowout is all about volume at the root and swishy movement—it was a favorite of supermodels including Cindy Crawford and Claudia Schiffer for a reason—Cher’s, though equally polished, has a distinctive ease about it. 

“The Cher blowout is a very timeless look,” says David Lopez, a celebrity hairstylist who’s been noticing the trend gaining steam. “It can be compared to a bob from the ’20s in the sense that it happened in a moment in history but remains timeless. Cher’s hair is smooth but still touchable. It has body but not necessarily volume. Compared to the ’90s blowout that had a lot of volume, Cher’s was a little bit flatter but with body and bounce and a nice C shape at the end of the hair.”

What makes Cher’s hair feel so modern—even 20 years later—is that it combines all the attitude of the supermodel blowout, but with the easy-breezy feeling that rules beauty today. “I love how it celebrates ‘done’ hair while looking young, fresh, and healthy,” says Lopez. “The highlights in Cher’s hair are there but not fussy; there’s no rootage, but it still very dimensional. The C shape at the end of the hair makes it look effortless and chic.”

©Paramount/Courtesy Everett Collection

“I think this is a popular style right now because it’s fresh,” he continues. “We went from the very messy lived-in hair to very polished and styled hair. The bouncy blowout is the happy middle of these two; it’s polished but a bit more lived-in. The Cher hair is touchable but still ‘done.’”

While the magic of this look lies in the styling, it helps to have the right cut as a base. For a true Cher look, Lopez says to minimize the amount of layers in your hair—this also separates it from the supermodel blowout, which adds volume to each layers for massive, bouncy hair. 

©Paramount/Courtesy Everett Collection

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