Arifureta Season 2 Episode 2: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online

Episode 1 of Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest season 2 starts with Hajime holding a gun to a silver-haired goddess, but we don’t get to see him fire. The heroes come back to Heiligh, and Liliana is glad to see Shizuku.

Hajime drives around in the desert of Gruen with two of the creepiest girls in his passenger seat. Yue, his main girl, doesn’t even know what manga or anime he likes, and that’s a cause of concern.

Tio is the wise one, looking out for danger. Many sandworms circle their prey while a giant worm attacks Hajime and the gang.

Episode 2 Speculations

Yue would bring up her and Hajime’s intimate moments whenever things got heated between her and Kaori. It was hilarious .

We see Hajime and the gang go off on another adventure to Ankaji. They need to mine the mineral necessary to cleanse the water. Will they find out why their oasis has been compromised? Is there some demon involved?

Myu’s mother lives near Ankaji, in Erisen, and I hope she gets to see her mama.

Episode 2 Release Date

Episode 2 of the Arifureta season 2 anime will be released on Thursday, Jan 20, 2022. The episode title or preview has not been shown.

1. Is Arifureta Season 2 on Break This Week?

Episode 2 of Arifureta season 2 will be released as per schedule. No delay has been announced.

Episode 1 Recap

The heroes return to the kingdom of Heiligh, and Liliana is ecstatic to see Shizuku. Kouki is gloomy because Hajime did not return with them. Liliana asks about Kaori, and Shizuku tells her that she joined Hajime, who’s still looking for a way to get them back home.

Hajime and his party are riding in a van in the sandy desert. Myu sits on Kaori’s lap and praises her dad. Kaori joins in and calls him papa Hajime, Hajime protests. Kaori promises not to repeat this but insinuates that it’s inevitable when she has a baby with him.

Yue tells her that Kaori can’t have a baby with Hajime, since he promised her everything. Kaori tells Yue how she doesn’t even know Hajime like Kaori does. Yue replies she knows everything Hajime likes to do in bed.

Tio sees dusty clouds over the horizon, and it turns out to be sandworms. They seem to have gathered around something, most probably prey, but they won’t eat it.

A giant sandworm sprouts out of the ground and chases Hajime’s car down. He uses his guns on that thing and takes care of it. Then they go over to the smaller sandworms which were circling their prey and see that it’s a man.

Kaori saves him with magic, and it turns out he’s the son of the duke from Ankaji, where everyone’s gotten a fever from drinking contaminated water. He needs stillstone – a mineral from the volcano of Gruen. Hajime decides to check it out.

A friend of Cattleya called General Freid of the demon kingdom vows to avenge her and destroy Hajime for what he did to her.

We need to see the 2 month honeymoon after the hydra’s defeat from the first arc animated!
After their first time in the bath, they did it in all sort of places lmao, this scene is a nice callback to it, at least for novel readers. #ARIFURETA

— Sneaky🧪 (@sneakyntr) January 13, 2022

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About Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest

Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest is a light novel series by Ryo Shirakoma. It was first published in November 2013 as a novel and received a light novel in 2015. It has several manga adaptations and season 1 of its anime premiered in July 2019.

Hajime Nagumo, an average otaku, is often bullied by his classmates. He wishes for his annoying classmates to be summoned to another world. Little did he know that his wish would come true, and he would be summoned along with them.

To thrive in this new world, he has to face every challenge that comes his way. However, a shocking event will make him a character feared by others.

Originally Written By Epic Dope

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