“ASCA LIVE TOUR 2021-Hyakkiyakou-” final performance will be held in Aichi, hometown!Surprise announcement of “Osmanthus” cover by Kujira P

This tour is titled “Hyakkiyakou”, the 2nd album released in January this year, and is a tour that takes the band around the three cities of Osaka, Tokyo, and Nagoya.

At the opening, the sound of the waves wrapped around the venue, and while expectations were rising, the band members started with intense performances. And when the intro of “evolution theory” flows along with the silhouette of the person himself, the voltage of the venue rises at once. The rock tune “regain” written by Mao Abe and the popular “CHAIN” as the OP theme for the TV anime “Darwin’s Game” will accelerate from the beginning.

From “Ai Ai Ai” in the middle stage, a feeling of openness is produced with a horizontal rhythm and dance. In “Calpediem” from “Don’t disturb”, the venue is fanned by a performance using a “loudspeaker”, and the fun of shaking the body while bathing in music is shared with the fans of the venue.

In the new song “Inochi No Akashi”, he performed a stage that seemed to be overwhelming with a band sound full of a sense of speed and a spirited singing voice.

In the second half of the game, “Howling” will perform with the “red flag”, which was the first merchandise item on this tour, and the entire venue will be united without making a voice. It was a lot of excitement.

The more intense digital rock tune “OVERDRIVE” and the TV anime “Sword Art Online Alicization” OP theme “RESITER” are folded together, and the period until the live is held due to self-restraint He showed me an explosive stage that would fill the prolonged time at once.

At the end of the game, as a surprise, he showed off the cover of “Kanagisai” by Whale P. Again, the fans at the venue shook the flag to the song, filled with peaceful air.

At the end, a fan who sang the ballad song “Kimi no Machi e”, which he wrote down the feelings he felt under this state of emergency, and shed tears at the moving end. and. It was a very intense live performance in a blink of an eye.

The tour “ASCA LIVE TOUR 2021-Hyakkiyakou-” with this band has ended, but we will challenge with a different approach “ASCA LIVE TOUR 2021-” To your town- “will start on Saturday, October 9th. Starting from Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, this tour goes around Kyoto, Fukuoka, Shin-Yokohama, Sapporo, Takasaki and all 6 locations (12 performances day and night), and after thorough infection prevention, please enjoy this live at the venue. I want you to feel it in minutes.

■ Set list @ Nagoya THE BOTTOM LINE
01. Evolution
03.CHAIN ​​
04. SAYONARA 05. Ambiguous, Eye, Love
06. Don’t disturb 07. Carpe Diem
09. Life Certificate
10 Vilan
11. Howling 12.OVERDRIVE
14. Kanagi 犀
15. To your town

▼ Set list Listen on the playlist ♪

[“ASCA LIVE TOUR 2021 -Hyakuki Yakou-” on Apple Music]
https://music.apple.com/jp/playlist/%E5%90%8D%E7%A7%B0%E6%9C%AA%E8%A8%AD%E5 % AE% 9A% E3% 81% AE% E3% 83% 97% E3% 83% AC% E3% 82% A4% E3% 83% AA% E3% 82% B9% E3% 83% 88 / pl.5dac83f5e4f64a51bfbfaedad722ad2e

[“ASCA LIVE TOUR 2021 -Hyakuki Yakou-” on Spotify]

—————————————– ————
★ “ASCA LIVE T OUR 2021 -Hyakkiyakou- “★
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■ September 17 Sunday (Friday) Osaka UMEDA CLUB QUATTRO
■ September 20 (Monday / holiday) Tokyo LIQUIDROOM

■ October 2nd (Sat) Nagoya THE BOTTOM LINE

——————— ——————————-
★ ” ASCA LIVE TOUR 2021-To Kimi no Machi- “General tickets are now open! ★
——————————– ——————–
■ October 9th (Sat) Takamatsu DIME
Doors open 15:30 / Start 16:00
[二部] Doors open 18:30 / Start 19:00
[二部] https://eplus.jp/sf/word/0000121386

■ 10/10 (Sun) Kyoto FANJ
Doors open 15:30 / Start 16:00
[二部] Doors open 18:30 / Start 19:00
[二部] https://eplus.jp/sf/word/0000121386
Reception period: 10/3 (Sun) 10:00 to 10/7 (Thu) 18:00

■ October 16 Sunday (Sat) Fukuoka The Voodoo Lounge
Doors open 13: 30 / Starts 14:00
[二部] Doors open 16: 30 / Starts 17:00
[二部] https://t.pia.jp/pia/artist/artists.do?artistsCd=F2040008
■ October 17th (Sun) Shin-Yokohama NEW SIDE BEACH
Opening 15:30/Starting 16:00
[二部] Opening 18:30/Starting 19:00

■ October 29 (gold) Sapporo cube garden
Opening 15:30/Starting 16:00
[二部] Opening 18:30/Starting 19:00

October 30th (Sat) Takasaki club FLEEZ
Doors open 15:30 / Start 16:00
[二部] Doors open 18:30 / Start 19:00
[二部] https://eplus.jp/sf/word/0000121386

▼ Recruiting new employees for the fan community “ASCA Music Entertainment”!

What is ASCA Music Entertainment?
ASCA with the concept of a fictitious company Official fan community. ASCA is dressed as the president, and there are plenty of contents such as diary, video, sound source, live distribution that can only be seen here. Currently recruiting new employees! Please join us. https://asca-me.com/

Listen to ASCA songs ♪

Listen to ASCA on [Apple Music] ♪

ASCA on [LINE MUSIC] Let’s listen to ♪ https://music.line.me/webapp/ track / mt00000000142ef373

Let’s listen to ASCA on [Spotify] ♪



Distribution information for the new song “Life Nosho”
——————— ASCA

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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