Veteran singer Asha Bhosle recently shared a childhood picture with her late sister Lata Mangeshkar on Instagram. The legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar died on Sunday and her death news left everyone shocked and in a state of grief. Lata Mangeshkar passed away due to multi-organ failure at the age of 92. Asha Bhosale shared the picture of her with her elder sister and wrote, “Bachpan ke din bhi kya din the. Didi and I” along with a heart emoticon. In the picture, Asha ji was seen sitting on a pedestal while Lata ji was standing beside her as the two posed for a family picture. In the background of the picture, Asha ji’s song ‘Bachpan Ke Din’ is heard playing. Also Read – FACT Check: Shah Rukh Khan attended Lata Mangeshkar’s funeral with Manager Pooja Dadlani and not Gauri Khan
Take a look at the picture – Also Read – When Lata Mangeshkar cried while recording Luka Chupi from Rang De Basanti – watch video
Within no time, celebs and fans filled the comments section. Actor Hrithik Roshan dropped a few heart icons, while Siddhanth Kapoor wrote, “Love you aaji.” A user commented “Legends never leave us, no one can match her legacy!”, while the other one wrote, “take care mam and be strong.” Also Read – Trending South News Today: Chiranjeevi, Mahesh Babu, SS Rajamouli mourn Lata Mangeshkar’s loss; Naga Chaitanya opens up on Laal Singh Chaddha and more
Asha ji was by her sister’s side and had met her at Mumbai’s Breach Candy Hospital a day before she died. A state funeral was held for Lata Mangeshkar and she was cremated at Shivaji Park in Mumbai Sunday evening. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Shah Rukh Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Aamir Khan, Shraddha Kapoor, Sachin Tendulkar, Anuradha Podwal, Shankar Mahadevan, Vidya Balan, and several other celebs attended legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar’s last rites and paid their respects. Lata Mangeshkar had begun her career at the age of 13 and gave us memorable songs.
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