Assicurazioni Generali, Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone has resigned from the board of the group

Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone resigned from the board of directors of Generali . In recent months, the entrepreneur and publisher had increased his stake in the Trieste insurance group up to 8% of the capital of which Mediobanca is the main shareholder. The surprise farewell, of which he gave the news Repubblica , was announced with a controversial letter against the work of the board of directors, accused of not allowing him to express “their critical contribution” to the management of the Lion. Generali explains this in the note, explaining that Caltagirone refers in particular to the presentation and approval of the strategic plan, the procedure for the presentation of a list by the Board, the methods of application of the rules on privileged information and relations with the media. .

Caltagirone, member of the board of Generali since April 2007 and deputy vice president since April 2010, would now intend to carry on the battle for the renewal of the board of directors , scheduled for the end of April. He had not deposited his shares for that meeting, according to Reuters because he was dissatisfied with the balance of power between the shareholders.

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Thank you, Peter Gomez

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Motorway concessions, Giovannini appoints the commission to update the system. It is presided over by Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella


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