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Iara Farias Borges | 01/17/2022, 14:53
The Senate approved the project that allows women, the elderly and people with disabilities to disembark at night outside the bus (PL 3.258/2019). From Senator Daniella Ribeiro (PP-PB), the proposal has already been approved in the Human Rights and Participatory Legislation (CDH) and Infrastructure Services (CI) commissions, with the rapporteurship of Senators Flávio Arns (Podemos-PR) and Acir Gurgacz (PDT-RO), respectively. The text went on for analysis by the Chamber of Deputies.
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MORE NEWS ABOUT: Chamber of Deputies CDH CI Seniors Disabled people Safety Senator Acir Gurgacz Senator Daniella Ribeiro Senator Flávio Arns Public transportation
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