Ayaka Hirahara’s Beautiful Singing Voice Echoes in Yamato 2205 1st Part ED Theme MV

The official website for the Space Battleship Yamato anime franchise has announced that “Ai wa Imo mo Hikari” (Love is Still A Light), the ED theme song for the first part of its next installment Space Battleship Yamato 2205: Aratanaru Tabidachi / The New Voyage, is sung by Ayaka Hirahara, and posted a 100-second music video for the song featuring various scenes from the first part.

She previously sang “GreatHarmony ~for yamato2199,” the theme song for the 2014 film Space Battleship Yamato 2199: Odyssey of the Celestial Ark. “Ai wa Imo mo Hikari” is composed and arranged by Akira Miyagawa, who also collaborated with her on “Great Harmony,” and the lyrics are written by Yukinojo Mori.

Message from Hirahara:

When I received the melody and lyrics, I couldn’t help but cry. From the last phrase of this song to the outro, ‘The world is breaking down, fire and hope are frozen, but only the tears are warm,’ was like a message from Akira Miyagawa-san’s father, Hiroshi-san, and Yamato’s “future” cheering us in the present, saying “It’s a tough time right now, but there’s always a better future ahead'” when we are about to lose sight of what is important.

During the recording, my father (Makoto Hirahara) said to me, “I hope this song will be like a goddess speaking to you gently,” and I was able to tackle the song with the image of people who know the “future” of the song, rather than myself. I believe I have completed a masterpiece that will shine in a different light in five or ten years. I am very much looking forward to delivering it to you.

“Ai wa Imo mo Hikari” music video:

— 宇宙戦艦ヤマト2205製作委員会 (@new_yamato_2199) October 5, 2021

The first part “-TAKE OFF-“ will be screened in 36 theaters in Japan from October 8, 2021. 

The first 14 minutes of the first part “-TAKE OFF-“:


Source: “Space Battleship Yamato” official website / Twitter

© Yoshinobu Nishizaki/Space Battleship Yamato 2205 Production Committee 

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