Babiš's spot attacking the Pirates worked, mobilizes voters YES, the research found out

The election spot by Andrej Babiš (ANO), in which the Prime Minister uses dramatic animations to warn against a riotous crowd symbolizing supporters of the Pirates, manages to persuade hesitant YES voters to come to the polls. That’s according to a Behavio survey. The video has aroused controversy in recent weeks, according to some Babiš is trying to blacken and dehumanize his political opponents.

Prime Minister Andrej Babiš posted the spot on his social networks on September 22 with the caption “I really don’t want this!”. The video captures a turbulent crowd with banners such as “welcome refugees”, “lower pensions” or “let Brussels decide” The movement YES is thus trying to negatively portray the opposition coalition of Pirates and mayors , against whom he constantly opposes the campaign. “I will defend you from the chaos of these lunatics,” he promises subsequently, proclaiming his fight against illegal migration or lower pensions. Spot, which according to opposition politicians , commentators and political scientists are betting on the spread of fear, inciting hatred and dehumanizing Pirates, but it is successful, the Behavio agency found in its investigation. About 62 percent of Czechs who are considering giving their vote to the YES movement have responded positively. And 57 percent of people in the group feel more convinced to go to the polls after watching it. According to the sociologist and head of research Behavio Vojtěch Prokeš, advertising fulfilled its purpose. “The election spot does not have the ambition to expand the potential of voters, but to activate those who are at least a little considering voting for the YES movement. It is doing very well. stated As the graph shows, the positive emotions of YES fans culminate in the middle of the video, when Babiš promises to protect people from the fanatical crowd depicted at the beginning. “Babiš’s supporters of the introduction are resonating and some will even actively join the Pirates, who they identify in the cartoon,” the agency’s survey describes. Opposition supporters react strongly to the spot, especially at the beginning of the spot. Within the entire population, the spot made a good feeling in only 21 percent of people, but Behavio states that due to the negative nature of the video, its authors did not intend to.

Pirates they want to provide asylum to migrants, almost half of the people think

According to the Behavio agency, the marketing team of the ANO movement manages to connect with the coalition of Pirates and Mayors topics that a large part of society perceives rather negatively. According to research, 46 percent of people take pirates and mayors as politicians who provide asylum to migrants. More than a third will then join the coalition with the taxation of unoccupied flats. Roughly 29 percent are afraid that they will not defend Czech values. The leader of the Coalition of Pirates and Mayors Ivan Bartoš has repeatedly denied in the past that his party would advocate lowering pensions or accepting illegal migrants. The Pirates filed a lawsuit against the Prime Minister in July over Babiš’s statements about the migration of migrants to households, accusing him of spreading lies. “Scaring people in the campaign is the worst level of populism. Working with the emotion of fear when a grandmother knocks that someone will take her pension because the prime minister said it is something unacceptable. The prime minister is simply running a senseless, false and terribly harsh campaign,” said Bartoš in an interview for Aktuálně.cz On the contrary, in the YES movement there is an association among people with an increase in pensions. 42 percent of people join the movement. Only then does negative association follow in 36 percent of people who perceive YES as untrustworthy. “Through long-term communication of negative symbols, Babiš’s team managed to achieve that there are basically no people who would decide between the YES movement and any of the coalitions. parties such as the CSSD and the Oath, where voters may be afraid that they will not get into the Chamber at all, “Prokeš added. Behavio conducted the survey between September 29 and October 1 using the CAWI online method on a representative sample of the Czech online population of thousands of people.

VIDEO: Election spots YES in 2013, 2017 and 2021

Election spots YES in 2013, 2017 and 2021. | Video: YES

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