Backgrounder: Canada announces $50.4 million in support for Haiti

Canada announced a financial contribution of $50.4 million for 9 initiatives in security, health, economic growth and natural disaster management sectors during the January 21, 2022 high-level meeting on Haiti.

Canada announced a financial contribution of $50.4 million for 9 initiatives in security, health, economic growth and natural disaster management sectors during the January 21, 2022 high-level meeting on Haiti. Project: Support for a Professional and Inclusive Police in Haiti
Funding: $12.35 million
Description: Through funding from International Development, this project aims to increase the integrity of the Haitian National Police through essential training and increased efficiency of both material and human resources management, while increasing the meaningful participation of women in policing. Project: Improving the Integration of Women in the Haitian National Police
Funding: $3 million
Description: Through funding from International Development, this Peace and Stabilization Operations Program (PSOPs) project aims to increase the number of female police officers in the National Police, contributing to improved security and peace in the country. Project: From incarceration to reintegration: incarcerated women and minors in Haiti
Funding: $370,500
Description: This PSOPs project aims to create the conditions needed for the successful post-incarceration reintegration of women and minors into society, and to help combat recidivism, thereby contributing to the reduction of violence and preventing further social destabilization. Project: Improving citizen participation in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Léogâne and Gressier
Funding: $3.85 million
Description: Through funding from International Development, this project aims to improve the sexual and reproductive health situation of the most vulnerable women and adolescents in communities in Léogâne and Gressier by addressing the causes of gender inequality. Project: Project in support of equal sexual and reproductive health
Funding: $6.85 million
Description: Through funding from International Development, this project aims to improve the sexual and reproductive health rights of the most vulnerable women and adolescents in communities in Croix-des-Bouquets by addressing the causes of gender inequalities. Project: Women and girls standing with dignity for their sexual and reproductive rights
Funding: $6.78 million
Description: Through funding from International Development, this project aims to improve the sexual and reproductive health rights of the most vulnerable women and adolescents in communities in the Southeast department and in Port-au-Prince by addressing the causes of gender inequalities. Project: Support to address food insecurity and support humanitarian services
Funding: $8 million
Description: Through funding from International Development, Canada contributed $8 million in 2020 and 2021 to the UN Humanitarian Response Plan for Haiti through the World Food Programme. The funds were used to address food insecurity and support humanitarian services. Project: Support to address food insecurity and support humanitarian services
Funding: $4.29 million
Description: This contribution to the World Food Programme aims to strengthen food resilience among vulnerable populations in the most affected areas, including areas affected by the August 14, 2021 earthquake. Project: The revival of Haitian micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
Funding: $5 million
Description: This project aims to support Haitian micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in their economic recovery efforts, in particular through the implementation of initiatives supporting economic security, poverty reduction and the power and capacity of women to act.

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