Bad Bunny reveals where he was when he found out he tested positive for Covid-19

Last Monday the urban artist Bad Bunny reported that he had tested positive for Covid-19

Last Monday the urban artist Bad Bunny reported that he had tested positive for Covid- 19, however he had not given details about his state of health until last Friday.

In An interview with the comedian Chente Ydrach, Benito Martínez Ocasio, the artist’s first name, revealed that he was in the recordings of the Netflix series, Narcos, when he learned that he had tested positive for the virus.

“I was doing a test every day at the Narco recordings. The last day, before recording the last episode , I test positive “, explained the ragman.

The bad rabbit added that now he will have to return to Mexico to complete the recordings of the series in which he will have a special participation.

He explained that he does not know how he contracted the virus because he was always on set or in the hotel room. “I did not go out for ‘any lao’. The only people who came to visit me were those from the tests,” he said.

Due to his positive result, the urban artist could not perform at the American Music Awards, where he was going to sing his hit Dákiti with Jhay Cortez.

In these awards, he rose as Favorite Male Artist – Latino and Favorite Album – Latino for his album YHLQMDLG.

The famous participated in the ceremony virtually from his home in Los Angeles California, presenting the first category of the awards, Favorite Female Artist – Latina.

On Friday, Bad Bunny premiered the album The Last World Tour, with which Several speculated that it was his last record production, but in several interviews the artist denied that he will leave his musical career.

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